Must Watch
3-Year-Old Encouraged To Kill Donald Trump
Watch the above video about Hispanic parents teaching their 3-year-old daughter to say that she will kill Donald Trump.
This video is simply disgusting and is a clear sign of child abuse. Watch as the parents laugh and encourage their daughter to say that Donald Trump should be killed for being a bad person.
All this kind of stuff does is prove why we need Donald Trump more than ever. His opponents will do and say anything to stop the man from taking the White House and I genuinely fear for his safety with all the growing threats and demonstrations of violence perpetrated by the Left.
This poor little girl is not to blame, but rather the victim of this cruel joke by her parents, who not only taught her to say these things, but encouraged it and filmed it. They even posted it themselves to Youtube.
Thankfully, this version of the video has covered up her face so that she doesn't have to forever live with this. However, I hope that authorities contact the parents for this abuse and take the necessary precautions to protect the child.
As November draws closer, demonstrations and rhetoric are going to keep ramping up. I hope that when all is said and done, we can have a return to sanity in this country.

Then we wonder why kids grow up with harden hearts. Is going to leave scars when an adult.
If true shoot parents in the head.
I would bet a lot of the violent propagander is perpetrated secretly by Obama’s hired agitators to create chaos and confrontations. I believe he desperately wants to instigate violence between Americans in order for him to enact 100% police state to give him reason to completely take control of the government in a marshal law situation. His time is running out and he hasn’t quite finished his task of total dictatorial control.
Children shouldn’t be taught to kill anyone. What ever happened to teaching children the 10 Commandments?
as an AMERICAN who happens to be Black I’m voting for the Donald! I stopped kissing the democratic ass!
These Parents Need Help! No Parent Should Never Tell A Child things like Anyone Should Die Or Even Teach Their Children To Kill Somebody! This Is So Wrong! These Parents Need To Be Teaching Their Children What’s Right And What’s Wrong! If These Parents Think This Is Right, Then They Need To Have Their Children Taken Away From Them!
No- the whole family needs to be taken away- back to wherever they came from..
Promoting murder is disgraceful, ship the parents back to the hell they came from. They have no right to be in the USA.
Here is a perfect example of how kid’s will do or say anything for attention! In this case this child took a look at a future that has been failing and tried to end the obserd and un-realised facts from the depression of over rambunctious self proclamed leaders and put the price on, poor abused and neglected Donald Trump, to being an easy answer for the quickest but least human solutions. Either for attention, or being abused her self in this way?
Whoever teaches a 3 yr old something like killing anyone needs to be in jail. So where are the police, this is a threat to a human being no matter who it is.
Horrible parents……
watched a viseo about a 3 year old Islamic girl being asked what to do and why
“Kill Jews because they are evil pigs”
“Kill Americans because they are evil infidels”
So if you are an American Jew watch your back, If you are an American Christian watch your back
If you are a Mexican living in America watch your back
In fact if you are a Moslem and an American watch your back
Black American, White American, Native American, Asian American watch your back
It is sad to realize that people all over the world hate so many, so much, that they are willing to actually KILL others to preserve their “right to fear” anything and everything
they are terribly sick and need to be killed so they don’t spread their evil, bias, fearful ways to the next generation… well just going along with the parents of this child and millions of others who perpetuate hate
This is evil while the parents think it’s cute. Like the Liberals thought the potty mouth princess girls was cute.