Can Pro-Life Voters Trust Donald Trump?
Perhaps one of the greatest reasons for alarm and trepidation in the presumptive nomination of Donald Trump by the Republican Party as its candidate for the presidency of these United States, is that pro-life voters don't know what to believe about him.
And you can't blame them, on the issue of the sanctity of human life he has proven to be anything but consistent.
Over the course of his presidential campaign he has held more positions on abortion than Baskin Robbins has flavors of ice-cream. Which begs the question, which position is his true conviction? And most importantly, with which position would he choose to govern?
This is shaping up to be a very crucial election for determining the fate of the makeup of the Supreme Court, the victor in November is projected to nominate up to three justices to the highest court in the land, people that will shape a generation of judicial rulings, and likely have lasting legal impact upon the execution of the Constitution and the rights of all fifty states.
So how can a man who has praised Planned Parenthood during Republican presidential debates, spoken gushingly about potentially nominating pro-abortion advocates to the Supreme Court, and who has ample sound bites of himself affirming his personal pro-abortion positions in the past, suddenly going to be trusted by voters with pro-life convictions to seek to mitigate abortion away from the status quo?
Particularly when Trump has even affirmed that he won't be held accountable for a single thing he's promised on the campaign trail, and that ultimately his rhetoric cannot be assumed to be something you can hold him to the fire to act upon as anything more than a suggestion?
Most notably, in a more recent moment, Trump was captured in what comes across as a Freudian slip.
The following exchange transpired shortly after Trump announced he was running for the White House as a Republican candidate and appeared on CNN on June 28, 2015 for an interview with Jake Tapper.
TAPPER: Let me ask you about a few social issues because they haven’t been issues you have been talking about for several years. I know you’re opposed to abortion.
TRUMP: Right. I’m pro-choice.
TAPPER: You’re pro-choice or pro-life?
TRUMP: I’m pro-life. I’m sorry.
On April 1, 2016 Trump decided to see if he could play pro-lifers for fools, this time while being interviewed by CBS. When asked again about abortion, Trump’s position seems to change yet again.
And this is what The Donald said verbatim:
“The laws are set now on abortion and that’s the way they're going to remain until they’re changed,” he said, according to CBS’s transcript. “I would’ve preferred states’ rights. I think it would’ve been better if it were up to the states. But right now, the laws are set…. At this moment, the laws are set. And I think we have to leave it that way.“
Does this sound like pro-life America's champion? Like a man truly convicted to give the power back to the states to mitigate the tragedy of abortion?
Not according to the pro-life women's movement.
In fact, the pro-life women's group known as the Susan B. Anthony List replies that he had “disqualified himself as the GOP nominee” if this were his position.
If his waffling views of abortion weren't concerning enough, Trump's recent chastising of past Republican presidential tickets as “too conservative“ ought to give any rational mind reason to take pause and wonder aloud how such a man can be trusted to pursue a like-minded agenda as an actual conservative…and paramount to many conservative voters is protecting the unborn.