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Bernie Sanders Sell Lies To Children



Bill Whittle takes the time in this video to explain just why a free college education is such a bad idea.

Kids today are clamouring for Bernie Sanders because he is essentially offering them frees stuff. This is nothing new and has been around in politics as long as people have needed the will of the people. All politics run on the agenda of the voting populous so it makes sense to offer up something free to an otherwise largely uninterested voting group.

However, the problem comes with the levels of short-sightedness. Bernie Sanders supporters are not all that different to Trump supporters who are fed up with the corrupt establishment and looking for an outsider. Again though, supporting Sanders is amazingly short-sighted.

While they may get college today for free, the price will be continuously driven up which in turn will add more and more to the national debt and tie up increasing amount of the yearly budget. On top of that, it will stagger the economy while simultaneously increasing competition for jobs that are being created at a slower and slower pace.

In short it will overeducate the working population while requiring higher taxes and slowing the economy. In other words, disastrous.

Nothing exists for free and some ideas, while they can be well meaning, are impossible to put into action.

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