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VIDEO: Obama Does What He Wants, When He Wants.



In a preview clip of a Fox News special called “Rising Threats — Shrinking Military,” former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates told Bret Baier that the president went against the advice of the “entire national security team” during the Egyptian coup that ousted the country’s president, Hosni Mubarak, in 2013.

According to Gates, Obama called for Mubarak’s immediate removal despite his national security team urging him to be cautious.

“Literally, the entire national security team recommended unanimously handling Mubarak differently than we did,” Gates said. “And the president took the advice of three junior backbenchers in terms of how to treat Mubarak. One of them saying, ‘Mr. President, you gotta be on the right side of the history.’ And I would be sitting there at the table, and I’d say, ‘Yeah, if we could just figure that out, we’d be a long way ahead.’”

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  • Richard H. Wegmann, Sr. says:

    He thinks he the KIng

  • Daren D. Theige says:

    Uhhh, YEAH!!! That’s WHY they call him the PRESIDENT, dumbassess!!! He’s SUPPOSED to do what he wants!!! That’s what we all ELECTED him to do!!! My GOD you People are STUPID!!! LMFAO!!!

  • Judith York says:

    To bad we have a president who thinks only of his advancement and not the people and what is in the best interest thereof and the world.

  • Lela says:

    David Theige, he’s the President, not the Emperor! There are two other branches of government that he ignores when he wants something done illegally or that he knows they’ll oppose. He does have a dictator’s complex.

  • M. C. Brozovsky says:

    Obama is an enemy of America. He has repeatedly committed acts of treason.He should
    be impeached and removed from the office of
    the Presidency of the United States of America
    immediately or America will be lost before he finishes his term

  • Joe says:

    He(Oblamer) acts the way he does ,because 1 he hates America and the military 2 Cingress is JUST as much to BLAME for what has /is going on in this nation 3 Congress is GUTLESS they DO NOT have the courage to IMPEACH OBLAMER!!!!

  • hilde says:

    He ia always telling the people what he wants them to hear and not the truth.

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