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Ted Cruz Is More Extreme Than Trump
- Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz made an audacious call Tuesday for monitoring Muslim neighborhoods within the U.S. to prevent radicalization.
- “We need to immediately halt the flow of refugees from countries with a significant al Qaida or ISIS presence,” Cruz said in a statement.
- “We need to empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized,” Cruz said.
- Cruz argued that political correctness led politicians like President Barack Obama to not take the threat of terrorism seriously.
Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz made an audacious call in the wake of the Brussels terror attacks Tuesday for monitoring Muslim neighborhoods within the U.S. to prevent radicalization.
Cruz, who has been an outspoken advocate along with Republican front-runner Donald Trump for barring Muslim refugees from entering the U.S. due to terror concerns, went a step further today with his call for law enforcement patrols to keep an eye on Muslim populations within the homeland.
“We need to immediately halt the flow of refugees from countries with a significant al Qaida or ISIS presence,” Cruz said in a statement in the wake of the attacks, which killed at least 31 people this morning.
“We need to empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized,” the 2016 hopeful added.
Cruz argued that political correctness has led politicians like President Barack Obama to not take the threat of terrorism seriously enough.
“For years, the west has tried to deny this enemy exists out of a combination of political correctness and fear. We can no longer afford either,” Cruz said in his statement. “Our European allies are now seeing what comes of a toxic mix of migrants who have been infiltrated by terrorists and isolated, radical Muslim neighborhoods. We will do what we can to help them fight this scourge, and redouble our efforts to make sure it does not happen here.”
The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for Tuesday’s blasts at the Brussels airport and on a subway train near the European Union.
Also Tuesday, Trump again called for surveillance of mosques within the U.S.
“Frankly, look, we’re having problems with the Muslims, and we’re having problems with Muslims coming into the country,” Trump said on Fox Business Network. “You need surveillance. You need to deal with the mosques whether we like it or not.”
Source: The Blaze
Trump has zero filter and is never called out on his BS by the media. Since he looses to Killary by over 10 points he will not win when all the Dems. (crossover vote shills) return to their REAL PARTY. 40% does hold up in closed primaries. I just wonder what Trump promised Kasich to stay in to screw Cruz!!! The lying Ted comments make me laugh when Trump gets away with saying things on tape then the Trumpets defend HIS LIES like Gospel !!!
It is about time Cruz began to follow Trump. Trump said this months ago, and now Cruz gets credit.
Ted isnt lying, its Trump smearing him!
He has been doing it ever since Cruz started pushing him in the results!
Like his blaming Ted for his coming in second in Iowa!
When it was really Trumps own fault, for skipping out on that debate!
Even O’REILY warned him beforehand. But he was just too egotistical to pay any attention!
Very much like our present CIC! Two peas in a pod, except Trump isnt muslim!
And smearing Ted in Iowa still wasnt enough, he had to call the Iowa voters, “STUPID!”
Such shows one just exactly what he thinks of all us “voters”, STUPID!
Personally, I take offense at that!
The rest of you have to make up your own minds!
I think the states should have the say of if they want to accept middle east refugees. This right should be reserved for the states not the federal government.
Ted Cruz is just trying to get us back to following the Constitution. Trump is playing on the feelings of the people. The American people are fed up with Washington, that gives Trump is platform.
Doen’t make inflamito ry statements
Telling the truth is not Extreme. You do not hunt for Elk in the bathroom, you hunt them where they live.
Ted Cruz says what he means and does what he promises!!
C ruz is much more conservative then Trump.
Cruz has a good plan to watch the neighborhoods that have radicalization happening. Trump[ just said don’t allow any muslims to come in. Ann