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Actors Say No To California Recall, Attack GOP Candidate

As the California recall election nears, Hollywood is taking an active interest in the outcome. With GOP candidate Larry Elder poised to win the governorship if the recall succeeds to oust Governor Gavin Newsom, celebrities are weighing in.
They’re not just voicing their support for Newsom, they’re attacking the Republican candidate. Thankfully, Elder does have some stars behind him as well.
RELATED: It’s Official: California Recalls Gov. Gavin Newsom
Hollywood Celebrities Attack Elder
Hollywood celebrities came out in support of the incumbent governor. Apart from encouraging California voters to vote “No” for the recall election, the actors made pointed comments about the GOP candidate, conservative talk radio host Larry Elder.
For example, actor Alec Baldwin called Elder a “dangerous idiot,” then added that he means “Trump level dangerous”. Then, actor and comedian DL Hughley commented on the Republican choices for gubernatorial candidates.
Specifically, Hughley targeted Elder and fellow candidate Caitlyn Jenner. “So the best the GOP could do in the California recall is #CaitlynJenner and #LarryElder??? One is famous for losing her D**k, and the other is famous for being one! #NoOnCARecall!”
Issue On Vaccine Mandate
While Elder revealed that he went to get full vaccines for COVID-19, he also stated his opposition to vaccine mandates. As a result, comedian Billy Eichner accused him of being an anti-vax candidate. “Just voted in CA! Early voting starts today!
(My ballot never came so I went in person),” Eichner tweeted on September 4. In addition, he urged Californians to “get out there and vote NO on the recall if ur in CA or else we’ll have an anti-vaxx Trump supporter running CA!”
Meanwhile, some Hollywood bigwigs refrained from publicly commenting. Instead, they let their donations do the talking. Netflix co-CEO Reed Hastings reportedly donated $3 million to the Newsom campaign.
Others followed as well. DreamWorks founder and former Disney chief Jeffrey Katzenberg hosted a Zoom fundraising event that drew a host of notable names. This included director Rob Reiner and TV executive, Byron Allen.
The event raised millions for Newsom’s campaign. Reportedly, directors Steven Spielberg and JJ Abrams also gave away large sums to help keep Newsom in office.
Some Are Biding Their Time Before Attacking Elder
Reportedly, some other celebrities will wait until the last minute before unleashing a tirade against Elder and other GOP candidates.
According to a Hollywood Reporter story, famous rapper Snoop Dogg promised the Newsom campaign his help. He said he will publicly criticize Elder to his 19+ million Twitter followers and is just “waiting for the right moment.”
Despite the onslaught, Elder does have some Hollywood support of his own. Legendary actor and director Clint Eastwood endorsed Elder for the position if the California recall managed to remove Newsom from office.
Last August 10, Elder tweeted that “Clint Eastwood just contacted me with a message of his support. A shout out to Mr. Eastwood. You made my day.”
Another American action hero, Chuck Norris, also gave his support to Elder. In an op-ed published last July, Norris made his case for the Republican radio host. “Golden State voters, I’m convinced Larry Elder is your man.
If given the chance, he can deliver California and Californians out of Newsom’s pit,” he said. “Elder has the knowledge. He has the experience,” he added.
Finally, Norris concluded by saying that Elder is “uniquely qualified and has the proven grit, drive, compassion and leadership abilities.”
Watch the Be Like Water Media video clip talking about “What Celebrities think about Recall Gavin Newsom? Your Thoughts?”

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