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Actress Alyssa Milano Calls on President Trump to Turn His Hotels Into Hospitals Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

Actress Alyssa Milano calls on President Trump to convert his U.S. hotels to hospitals to help sick people amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Milano, who has been a critic of the Trump administration, tweeted on Wednesday: “Trump owns how many hotels in the US? And how many in NY in particular? He should offer to turn them into hospitals until this pandemic is over. We need beds. He’s got ‘em.”
According to The Daily Mail, Trump owns seven properties throughout New York City including: Trump International Hotel & Tower New York, Trump Tower, Trump Palace, Trump Park Avenue, Trump Place, Trump Parc, and 610 Park Avenue.
Alyssa Milano Calls On Donald Trump To Convert His Hotels To Hospitals For Coronavirus Relief! (via @Fox411)
— TMZ (@TMZ) March 28, 2020
Fox News reported that while Trump’s name is attached to many buildings in New York City, “the Trump Organization website lists Trump International Hotel as his only working hotel in the state.” The president’s other real estate projects such as the Trump Tower are multi-purpose spaces or condominiums.
Trump’s name is attached to many properties, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he owns them. The power he has to convert any of the space is indeterminate.
The president also has hotels in areas like Washington D.C., Miami, Las Vegas, Waikiki, Chicago, and Charlottesville. There are also hotels outside the U.S. in Scotland, Ireland, and Canada.
The president may not have plans to convert his hotel into a hospital, but he previously mentioned that he’s offering aid to New Yorkers. “The World market for face masks and ventilators is Crazy. We are helping the states to get equipment, but it is not easy. Just got 400 Ventilators for @NYCMayor Bill de Blasio,” Trump tweeted Tuesday morning. “Work beginning on 4 hospitals in New York! Millions of different type items coming!”
On Wednesday, Trump tweeted an update on the steps that his administration is taking: “I am working very hard to help New York City & State. Dealing with both Mayor & Governor and producing tremendously for them, including four new medical centers and four new hospitals. Fake News that I won’t help them because I don’t like Cuomo (I do). Just sent 4000 ventilators!”
According to a Fox News report, New York is currently fighting 25,665 cases of COVID-19, which is 10 times the problem California and Washington state have.