Must Watch

Air Force Veteran Is Victim Of Anti-God Politics



In the above video, Oscar Rodriguez, a 33 year veteran of the Air Force is forcibly removed from a retirement he was asked to speak at because he allegedly used the word God…

Watch the video and look at the outrageous treatment he receives right after he starts to speak. Several Air Force officers jump up and forcibly remove him from the building. At least Oscar Rodriguez doesn't give in and keeps shouting over them.

This is just one more example of the politically correct modern day culture seeping itself into every facet of our day to day lives. I don't care if you are Christian on not, in fact I don't care what you believe in, but if this man has given 33 brave years proudly serving our country, then you are going to listen to what he has to say!

It's one thing for this to break out on college campuses, those kids can have their worthless and irrelevent protests. After all, they will learn how the real world works the minute they graduate and need a job. But for a grown man to be treated this way after his service is appalling and unforgivable. I hope some of the good people still in power take notice of this and make sure it does not go unanswered.

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