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Arizona and Georgia GOP Raise New Election Concerns



Arizona and Georgia GOP officials saw new reasons to remain concerned over election results in their states. One gave evidence of changes in duplicate ballots. The other wants a signature audit done.

RELATED: Arizona Certifies Election Results, Confirms Biden Win

Changes to Hurt Trump 

The chair of the Arizona Republican Party reported Wednesday's apparent alterations. 2% of the duplicates did not match their original. One of the ballots, Ward said, was changed from a vote for Trump to Democrat Joe Biden. The other ballot took away a vote from Trump. Both instances “hurt Trump.”  

Last Monday, a superior court judge agreed to Ward's request to inspect signatures on ballot envelopes during a hearing. Judge Randall Warner will allow signatures from 100 ballot envelopes for inspection. He will also OK 100 duplicated or reconstructed ballots to undergo verification. Warner wasn't the inspections for the sake of transparency. “I’m inclined to err on the side of transparency and air these things out,” he said.

100 Duplicated Ballots 

The state Republican Party posted a video detailing the results of the inspection. Ward announced it as “explosive news.” She said: “We got to examine some duplicate ballots. And to remind you what a duplicate ballot is: It’s when there’s a damaged ballot, or, for some reason, the machine cannot read that ballot. So, then, election workers ‘recreate’ that ballot, they ‘duplicate’ it for the voter. And it’s either fed back into the machine or created electronically. We got to examine 100 duplicate ballots.” She noted that the number is “ a very, very small sample.” 

“Guess what,” she continued, “We found two ballots that were changed: One was changed from Trump to Biden; one was just taken away from Trump, for no reason that we can find an explanation for.” She concluded by saying “This is good news because those media propagandists who say there’s no evidence of fraud can now shut up. The bad news is, this looks like this election has attempted to be stolen from President Trump.”

Georgia Governor Calls For Signature Audit

Meanwhile, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp called for a state signature audit. During a Fox News interview Thursday, he said that some of what allegedly came out during a state Senate Government Oversight Committee hearing was “concerning.” 

“You know, I’ve called early on for a signature audit, obviously the secretary of state, per the laws and the Constitution would have to order that; he has not done that,” Kemp said. “I think it should be done. I think, especially with what we saw today, it raises more questions. There needs to be transparency on that. I would again call for that, and I think in the next 24 hours hopefully we’ll see a lot more from the hearings that the legislature had today and we’ll be able to look and see what the next steps are.”

Don’t Listen to Lin Wood

Also in the interview, Kemp called out attorney Lin Wood for egging people to boycott the upcoming runoff elections. Wood is an alleged Trump supporter with an extensive history supporting Democrats. Kemp said listening to Wood would prove counterproductive to Republicans all over.

 “It’s like Lin Wood saying today, urging the people not to go vote in this election, all that is going to do is give the Democrats everything they want,” he said. “It’s going to give the radicals everything they want. This is literally the firewall. So, I think we all have to pull together and figure out what have we got to do to assure people that their votes going to count. I believe that it will, that’s why I’m working so hard for David and Kelly and I’m going to continue to do that.”

View the John Fredericks Show segment where GOP Chair Kelli Ward presents evidence of Massive Voter Fraud in AZ:

Today, both the Arizona and Georgia GOP showed more problems from the recent elections that won't go away. One showed changes on duplicated ballots, another showed a lack of signature audits. Do you think this is the start of something big that warrants further investigation? Or, do you think this is something too little and too late in the game? Let us know what you think by sharing your comments.

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