Barbosa: Schiff is ‘Wasting’ Taxpayer Money on Impeachment, Ignoring Homeless Crisis

Jennifer Barbosa, independent candidate and Adam Schiff’s congressional challenger, said Schiff is wasting federal funds trying to impeach President Trump, “while his state continues to suffer from an unprecedented homelessness crisis.”
Barbosa added that Schiff has not passed any legislation since 2012. “Since he became my congressman, he has not presented any legislation that's become law. In terms of homelessness, what he's done is he's basically rubber-stamped Maxine Waters' bill to deal with homelessness, and her bill essentially replicated the same failed policies that [L.A.] Mayor [Eric] Garcetti has implemented in our city over the past few years,” said Barbosa.
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Barbosa added that we need to stop allocating federal funds for affordable housing and focus on mental health services for the homeless instead. She said Schiff should be helping his home district and not trying to settle “an old political score with Trump and the GOP,” reports Fox News.