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Americans Blame Democrats For Expensive Gas Prices



Emotional businessman counting money with gasoline refueling car at fuel station | Americans Blame Democrats For Expensive Gas Prices | featured

Along party lines, Americans are more likely to blame Democrats for rising fuel prices. With partisanship removed, a majority blames Putin and oil companies for the rise in gas prices.

Either way, more Republicans are looking forward to the November elections compared to their political rivals.

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ABC News/Ipsos Poll Say Americans Blame Democrats, Putin, And Oil Companies

The average gasoline price in California exceeded 5 dollars per gallon | ABC News/Ipsos Poll Say Americans Blame Democrats, Putin, And Oil Companies

In an ABC News/Ipsos poll conducted between April 8 and 9, 2022 among 530 American adults, 71% blamed Russia for high gas prices.

Specifically, they blamed President Vladimir Putin and his ill-advised invasion of Ukraine. In addition, 68% of Americans surveyed also blamed oil companies for keeping oil prices high. 

Earlier last month, Democrats started including Putin among the reasons why fuel prices are high. President Joe Biden even came up with the special term “Putin’s price hike” to blame Russia for the problem.

Americans Still Blame Democrats and Their Policies For The Price Increases

However, more Americans remain more likely to blame Democrats than Republicans for the rise in gasoline prices.

52% of Americans placed a “great deal” or “good amount” of the blame for the price increases on Democrat policies. Another 51% placed the blame squarely on Biden himself.

In comparison, only 33% of Americans blame Republicans for the current fuel hikes. Also, another 24% blame former President Donald Trump. 

A strong majority (68%) of Americans disapprove of Biden’s management of the fuel price increases. Split along party lines, 93% of Republicans disapprove of the administration’s efforts. Meanwhile, only 41% of Democrats feel the same way.

Congress Grilled Oil Companies

The ABC News/Ipsos Poll findings came the same week Congress grilled oil company executives about the nightmare fuel scenario.

This is despite the decreasing prices of fuel over the last few days. As a result, oil industry executives took turns explaining their position before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee weighed in.

The execs denied accusations of price gouging. They insisted that only the COVID-19 situation was the reason for their cost spikes.

Whatever the reason, the public remains split over the effects of high fuel prices. Half of the Americans surveyed said that the rising prices of gas are causing financial hardship for their households.

Meanwhile, the other half said that high gas prices have yet to affect their budgets. In addition, 21% admitted to having serious financial hardships due to the matter.

Around 60% of  Republicans say that high gas prices are causing them serious financial hardship. In contrast, only 32% of Democrats said the same thing.

Whatever the effect, many Americans blame Democrats for their disastrous policy that led to tighter oil supplies and expensive fuel.

Republicans Excited To Go to The Polls

The near doubling of gas prices will haunt Democrats come to the November polls. The elections are less than seven months away, and only 63% of Americans are excited to vote.

However, Republicans seem more excited to get back to the polling precinct. 55% of surveyed Americans identified as GOP said they are very enthusiastic to go to the polls this year. In contrast, only 35% of Democrats want to.  

Watch the ABC News video reporting that House panel grills oil company CEOs amid skyrocketing gas prices:

Who’s the main party responsible for the continued rise in gas prices?

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Who do you think is really responsible for soaring gas in the US? Is it right to blame Democrats for this mess instead of Putin or the Russians?

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1 Comment

  • Patricia S Ray says:

    The answer to this question is easy, if you simply Compare THIS administration to the Trump administration: Gas was around $2.99 a gallon or less during the Trump years. Then Sleepy Joe became President (along with his Horrible choice for VP Kamala Harris!)and he made the decision to Shut Down the Pipeline, which Trump had worked so hard to establish and maintain. $5.00 gas prices are the Effect of this unwise decision on Biden’s part. I can’t Believe that we still have to Suffer and Deal with this Idiot for another 2 years!

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