The latest batch of Hillary Clinton's emails have come out, including 66 messaged deemed classified. The total of classified emails found on Clinton's personal server has risen...
Two middle eastern refugees have been arrested for terror-related charges in California and Texas. Both men had connections with ISIS and one had fought in Syria....
Obama appeared on CNN's town hall debate over gun control. He hears some pointed questions about safety and criminals and naturally gives no real answers. He...
Co-chairman of Donald Trump's New Hampshire Veterans for Trump has gone to assist Bundy in Burns, Oregon. Bundy's group in Oregon has occupied a Federal BLM...
Iran has accused Saudi Arabia of intentionaly attacking the Iranian embassy in Yemen. Tensions between the two countries have been severed since Saudi Arabia executed 47...
Rand Paul went onto the View on Wednesday to give one of the most intelligent rebukes to Obama's executive action on gun control that I have...
Police shot and killed a lone attacker with a knife trying to enter a police station in Paris. The attacker has a fake bomb belt, a...
Professional conservative pundit Ann Coulter attacked Ted Cruz's eligibility to run for President in a series of tweets calling him an anchor baby. Ted Cruz was...
CNN will be hosting a town hall meeting with President Obama on gun violence. The NRA, the nation's largest and most influential gun rights group, has...
Alabama's Chief justice Roy Moore said on Wednesday that probate judges have a ministerial duty to not issue any marriage license to same-sex couples. He wants...