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California’s Ban on Singing in Churches Causes Outrage



Singing and chanting in places of worship have been banned by California Gov. Gavin Newsom, and faith leaders are speaking out. The reason for the prohibition is the surge in coronavirus cases after weeks of protests.

“Places of worship must, therefore, discontinue singing and chanting activities and limit indoor attendance to 25 percent of building capacity or a maximum of 100 attendees, whichever is lower,” the new guidelines read.

According to officials from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, singing is a proven way to spread a virus.

An Attack?

Worship leader Sean Feucht said the order was an “unprecedented attack” on the freedom of worship.

“For the last several weeks, tens of thousands of people have been gathering outdoors in cities all across California. Feucht said. They have been screaming and chanting and protesting, and all the while state officials are encouraging them as they do this,” he added.

“And then now, as the church wants to gather just like we've been doing for thousands of years to simply worship God,” he then stated. They bring the hammer down against us. It's just, can you see the hypocrisy and how insane this is? … It really is time that we take a stand and that we fight back,” he also mentioned.

He started a petition called “Let Us Worship.” The website of the petition read: “[Our] freedom to worship God and obey His Word has come under unprecedented attack. Powerful politicians and social media giants have engaged in unchartered abuses of religious liberty, silencing the faithful, banning our voices, and outright attacking our God-given right to declare His goodness.”

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