Election 2016

The Common Law Of Common Law



Why Bernie Sanders Won't Give Up

The Common Law Of Common Law (Image: AR)

The question on everyone's mind is, “Why in the world hasn't Bernie Sanders just given up and gone home?” People have been telling him since Trump won the Republican nomination to pack up and go back to Vermont, and yet for some reason he has dug his talons into this presidential race and he won't let go. Even when you look at the delegate situation… he is no where near being close to overcoming Hillary's lead.

Hillary, at the moment, has 2,312 delegates (2,383 are needed) whereas Bernie has 1,545 delegates. There are 908 delegates still available, if Bernie won every single delegate from here on out, he would win, but the chances of that happening are about as slim as Hillary Clinton dropping out of the race because of the overwhelming guilt she feels for lying to the nation. So with Hillary clearly in the lead, and a no real silver lining to the Bernie Sanders campaign, why is he being so resilient? I have a few theories.

Since the beginning Bernie has come in as the underdog. He is older than the other candidates, which some would say gives him the advantage of wisdom, but that is still to be seen. Believe it or not, he wasn't as well known as Trump or Hillary. Trump has been a political figure for years, not only in the real estate industry but in the reality television industry, which gave him a leg up on the competition because the voting public already felt like they knew him. Then of course Hillary, the wife of one of our most scandalous Presidents, who  herself has been in the political world for years. Then comes along little old Bernie Sanders. If this election were a children's book Bernie would be Eeyore. 

That of courses didn't stop him. 

I can think of two reasons why Bernie has continued his fight. The first reason he has actually done successfully, and that is to stop/slow the progress of Hillary's campaign. Since the election has come down to Trump, Bernie, and Hillary, Bernie Sanders has acted like the younger brother tagging along on a date. Hillary and Trump have had this growing anticipation to get into the ring together and truly battle it out, yet little brother Bernie has always been in the back seat cramping their style. That has worked out in Bernie's favor.

Now Hillary's attention is split in two. She not only has to keep Trump off of her back, but also has to be aware of what Bernie is saying about her as well. Which means that Hillary has turned into the punching bag of this years election (and deservedly so). Since Trump has won the Republican nomination, we have seen a steady decline of Hillary's ratings, not only is that because of Hillary's extra curricular activities (such as her email scandal) but it's also because her focus and strength has been divided.

There is a flip side to that plan of attack that I don't think became relevant to Bernie until recently. If Bernie hold out and wait, Hillary might be indicted, and if she is indicted the nomination might just go to him. That could happen, especially with the growing focus that is now circulating around Hillary's email case. The problem of that is, what if Hillary gets indicted after she has won the Democratic nomination? Will it then automatically default back to the runner up? I personally don't know, but I have a feeling that is what Bernie is counting on.

The second reason that I think is the driving force behind Bernie's resistance to leaving the race, and that is that he knows he would win against Trump. I know, I know, that is a big statement, but it's true. Hillary has absolutely no chance at winning against Trump, his ratings are too high and her favor in the public eye is continuously dropping. She can't win. She knows it, which is why she has constantly been bashing the policies of Donald Trump, that is also why Barack Obama is frothing at the mouth to jump in and help her win over the voters.

Bernie on the other hand, does have a chance against Trump. He has a great support among voters and people truly like his policies, especially in Los Angeles. So if he holds out, and gets in to the ring with Trump he just might have a chance to win the Presidency.

Will that happen? I don't know, but if Hillary gets indicted then Bernie is in the complete right place to be the underdog who sweeps in for the victory. 


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