
Wouldn’t It Be Nice?: 6 Needed Common Sense Priorities



Common Sense Priorities | How many times have you observed something, and thought, wouldn't it be nice, and make common sense, to change the way, we do/ approach, it?

Since, many Americans, often, consider this nation, to be, the land of the free, etc, shouldn't we examine, why so many of these rights. Constitutional guarantees, seem to be, losing their emphasis/significance?

Why do Americans, seem, to be, constantly, electing individuals, who focus on their personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self – interest, rather than the greater good?

With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 6 common sense priorities, which we should begin, to emphasize.

6 Needed Common Sense Priorities

young man asking | Wouldn't It Be Nice?: 6 Needed Common Sense Priorities

1. If We Eliminated Systemic Racism 

Whether, we want to admit it, or not, systemic racism, not only exists, in America but is somewhat, widespread! In, nearly, every aspect, of our lives, we witness, clear-cut, evidence, of its ugly = head!

It is especially, obvious, in our Criminal Justice/ Judicial systems, where there is a significant, disparity, between how different individuals, are treated!

Think about why, during this horrific pandemic, certain communities have suffered, far more, than others, seemingly, based on ethnicity, race, and socioeconomics! It seems, equal justice, etc, isn't very equal, at – all!

2. If We Ad Equal Protection of the Law Rights Liberty Freedom Justice

Why do some, get treated, differently, than others, when it comes to equal protection, etc? The reality is, some individuals, are treated, quite differently, than others, by police, courts, etc!

3. If Politicians Actually Served and Represented Constituents

The last time, the Federal Minimum Wage, was raised, to its current, $7.25 per hour, was about a dozen years ago, while the cost of living, has consistently, risen!

We've seen, in that same period, the salaries of the same Congressmen, and Senators, who claim, we can't afford to raise that minimum rate, raise, their own pay, about 6 times!

This horrific pandemic has taken a significant toll, not only, on public health, etc, but on the economy, and the earnings of most Americans.

Yet, while they saw – fit, to cut taxes, for the wealthiest individuals, and largest corporations, many of these politicians, claim, we can't afford, to approve, a much-needed, economic stimulus, for the rest, of us!

We need to demand these officials, begin, to actually, serve and represent us, rather than their personal, best – interests!

4. If We Protected Clean Air and Water

Don't we owe it, to future generations, to hand – over, a planet, with clean air, and water? Aren't you tired, of hearing, excuses, and/ or, denials, when, it comes, to this essential priority?

5. If We Proactively Addressed Climate Change

Whether, some want to deny it, procrastinate, or make false claims, the risk of Climate Change, is, both, real, and essential! Follow, the science, which, indicates, the clock – is – ticking, when it comes to addressing this necessity!

6. If We Were Unified, Instead of Polarized, for the Greater Good

If you don't admit, we see too much, partisan politics, when there is a need, to seek, a meeting – of – the – mind, for the greater good, you can't become part of the solution, instead of part of the problem!

Wouldn't it be nice, if true priorities, were prioritized, and we made America sane, and focused, again? Wake up, America, before it's too late!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades.

Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense: http://facebook.com/commonsense4all

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/

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