
CPAC 2018: Is Bush-Era Trotskyite Neoconservatism Finally Dead Within America’s Right?



The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) is an annual four-day political conference hosted by the American Conservative Union (ACU). CPAC 2018 featured a number of truly exceptional traditional, pro-working class conservative speakers from around the globe.

Mike Pence, Marion Marechal-Le Pen, and Nigel Farage Speak at CPAC 2018

The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) took place last Thursday, featuring speeches by Vice President Mike Pence, France's Marion Marechal-Le Pen, and Nigel Farage – a.k.a. “Mr. Brexit.”

CPAC 2018 was particularly interesting because it wasn’t infested with neoconservative types shilling in favor of anti-working class American, pro-globalization policies. This is great news and is indicative of the Republican party’s return to traditional right-wing ideas.

Vice President Mike Pence Promises to “Build That Wall’

During his speech at CPAC 2018, Vice President Mike Pence pledged to follow through with one of President Donald Trump’s trademark campaign promise – declaring that the administration is “going to build that wall.”

“President Trump promised to enforce our laws, secure our borders, and today illegal crossing at our southern border have been cut nearly in half and make no mistake about it, we’re going to build that wall,” Vice President Mike Pence vociferously proclaimed. The crowd exploded in ecstatic chants, shouting, “Build that wall! Build that wall! Build that wall!”

Vice President Mike Pence’s central message during the conference concentrated profoundly on the trademark slogan, “promises made, promises kept”. He highlighted the achievements which the Trump administration accomplished during the first year including working class tax cuts, rolling back unneeded and economically stifling regulations, judicial appointments, and bringing back jobs from overseas.

Vice President Mike Pence lauded the people’s support for the administration in the past year. “Because of your support in this past year, it’s been a year of action, it’s been a year of remarkable results,” he expressed to the euphoric crowd at CPAC 2018. “In a word, it’s been a year of promises made, and promises kept. The year 2017 was the most consequential year in the history of conservative movement.”

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France's Marion Marechal-Le Pen: ‘All I Want is the Survival Of My Nation’

‘Bonjour CPAC!' exclaimed Marion Marechal-Le Pen, as she greeted CPAC 2018 attendees. The crowd gave the 28-year-old a warm reception. “I hope that Americans really like French accents, okay, and I hope that you see me as less terrifying than the American media depicts me,” she said, referring to the entirely discredited, lying, left-wing internationalist press.

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Marion Marechal-Le Pen’s stop at CPAC 2018 was her first political address since last year.

A former law student and the niece of Marine Le Pen, a 2016-17 French presidential candidate, Marion Marechal-Le Pen emphasized the long-standing Franco-American relationship. She continued, saying, “I have come here today to honor 240 years of friendship. Our friendship began long before the trenches of Villawood where the echo of your soldiers' bravery still resounds. Our alliance is needed in the quest for freedom. It was by French blood spilled on American soil that our friendship began.”

Making her debut appearance at CPAC 2018, the French Catholic, pro-family, Front National politician charismatically spoke on many of the same themes addressed during one of President Donald Trump's speeches – declaring she was entirely supportive of Trump’s “America First” policy.

“Let me be clear here, I’m not offended when I hear President Donald Trump say ‘America First,'” Marion Marechal-Le Pen said. “In fact, I want ‘America First’ for the American people. I want ‘Britain First’ for the British people. And I want ‘France First’ for the French people.”

During her short but inspirational speech, Marion Marechal-Le Pen defended natural law, the nation, the family unit and traditional morality. “What do we want?” she asked the crowd. “Just like you, we want our country back.” Marion Marechal-Le Pen went on to explain that the election of President Donald Trump proves that when “the people are given the opportunity to take their country back, they will seize it.”

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Her CPAC 2018 speech warned that historically Catholic France and its culture are under attack by tyrannical EU policies and that the nation in danger of becoming “the little niece of Islam” due to imposed mass immigration from middle eastern countries where radicalism runs rampant.

“After 40 years of mass migration, Islamic lobbies, and political correctness, France is in the process of passing from the eldest daughter of the Catholic Church to becoming the little niece of Islam,” Marion Marechal-Le Pen said.

“Terrorism is only the tip of the iceberg,” she added. “This is not the France that our grandparents fought for.”

Marion Marechal-Le Pen finished her powerful CPAC 2018 address with a quote equally as powerful from the Austrian late-Romantic composer, Gustav Mahler, where he stated, “Conservatism is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.”

Nigel Farage Receives Hero’s Welcome

After being introduced as “Mr. Brexit,” former UK Independence Party (UKIP) leader and current anti-establishment member of the European Parliament Nigel Farage began his CPAC 2018 address by lauding the audience for helping to get President Donald Trump elected.

“Do not underestimate the power of ordinary people when they get together and go out and make things happen,” Nigel Farage reminded the audience.

He told the ecstatic CPAC 2018 crowd that supporting President Donald Trump in 2016 was “the best decision I ever made in my life.”

“I thought he’d be good,” Nigel Farage exclaimed. “But I’ve got to tell you, he has exceeded all expectations. He is on the way to being a truly great president of this country.”

Nigel Farage cheekily poked fun at preposterous conspiracy theories and unfounded claims espoused by dopey Democrats and their mainstream media pets.

“I have read actually that … I am the one person connecting Trump, Putin, and Julian Assange,” he scoffed. “I've been running memory sticks back and forth from the White House and the Kremlin to Assange!”

Nigel Farage mocked the probe into alleged collusion between the Trump presidential campaign and Russia, rightly deeming it “fake news” propagated by the pro-globalization, leftwing mass-media that “has actually become the opposition.”

“They are not objectively reporting news, Nigel Farage declared during CPAC 2018. “Ninety percent of what you see on mainstream media in the States is negative about the president.”

Nigel Farage was first invited to speak at CPAC in 2015. His first address drew only a small crowd of around 250 individuals. This year was different though as Nigel Farage drew an audience roughly half the size of President Donald Trump’s crowd.

After giving the passionate speech, whilst walking off the stage, Nigel Farage received an enormous standing ovation from the enthusiastic audience.

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