
Democratic National Convention: The Drinking Game



With the Republican National Convention over that means it’s time for the Democrat's turn. We get a chance to be entertained by great speakers like Bernie Sanders who we can expect bend over backwards for his new queen. That of course, leads us to the week’s real entertainment… Hillary Clinton.

I have been brainstorming about how to best watch the Democratic National Convention (know thy enemy) and I think I came up with the most bearable way to do it… A drinking game.

Now, I’m not a big drinker, but I feel like I’ll need to dull my intelligence down to the average liberal’s level to follow their reasoning. Plus, it will just make them easier to listen to without gagging on their outrageous lies.

it’s easy to play, just take your favorite beverage of choice, beer, wine, or liqueur.

Take a drink/shot whenever you hear the following:

  • The first woman president of the United States
  • Hillary is the only qualified candidate
  • Hillary is trustworthy
  • Hillary supports women
  • Anytime they talk about Bill’s presidency
  • Every time they cut to Chelsea in the stands
  • Every time they show Bernie looking like a confused old man
  • If Hillary Laughs for longer than 2 seconds
  • Whenever anyone mentions Pokemon
  • Whenever someone says millennials
  • And of course, every time they cut to Hillary’s face during a speech
  • [wps_products_gallery product_id=”4347567145011, 4370989482035, 4335153741875″]

For a turbo edition take a drink every time they say:

  • Either Trump or ISIS

And if you really need something to get through the Democratic National Convention:

  • If they ever mention Emails or Benghazi… Drink the whole bottle. However, I have a feeling that they won’t come up.

I hope this helps make the DNC more palatable and their lies easier to swallow, but we all know it won’t.


Save, print, and share your very own rules card!


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