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Democrats Bring Second Wave Of Suffering To People Of Flint
The Newly elected Democratic Mayor of Flint, Michigan has been accused of stealing over a million dollars from the people who are still suffering in the wake of the town's water disaster that has left 12 dead and many more sick.
I will make no apologies or excuses for the state's Republican leaders and their actions in this matter. But how come whenever we get a major embezzlement scandal it is always a Democrat at the wheel.
Karen Weaver had to know that she would be found out with so many eyes on the town of Flint… There is simply no hiding this. Yet, when one of her staff asked her to come clean and explain herself, the staff was fired and is now suing Weaver.
Leave it to the Democrats to swoop in like vultures and pick the bones of the sick and wounded who so badly needed help. This is the type of corruption we can expect from Hillary and her supports going forward as well. Though, I'm sure Karen Weaver had a good excuse.
I mean after all is it really her fault? What democrat has even been able to resist sticking their hands into someone else pocket?

1 Comment
I am a Michigander, and aware of the despicable treatment of the people of Flint. With a Republican in office, what more can you expect?