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Democrats Resort To Classic Race Bating To Win Votes



Race Baiting

Hillary Clinton attended Al Sharpton’s National Action Network Convention on Friday and predictably, did some good old-fashioned race-baiting.

“White Americans need to do a much better job of listening when African Americans talk about the seen and unseen barriers you face every day. We need to recognize our privilege and practice humility, rather than assume our experiences are everyone else's experience. I believe that Democrats have a special obligation if we're gonna ask African Americans to vote for us, we cannot take you or your vote for granted. We can't just show up at election time and say the right things and think that's enough.”

It is hilarious how she can make these statements, particularly the last sentence, when she has clearly shown up to pander to the captive audience, count their vote, and walk away with nothing but empty promises given.

All of this came just a day after Ben Carson’s business manager Armstrong Williams was booed on stage giving a speech to the same group.

We sit here, you hear their race speeches because they feel that’s what you want to hear today. Everything in America is not always about race… Make these people earn your vote!”

The crowd erupted in boos and even hisses at this statement when just a day later they roared with approval at Hillary who did exactly as Williams had predicted.

“If it’s Donald Trump so be it! If it’s Bernie Sanders so be it. Do not allow the Clintons and the establishment to waltz in here and wave their hand and everything is okay. Make them earn your vote, okay?”

The tactics are nothing new to the Democratic Party, who have long remained fattened by the promise of the minority vote. However, the truth is they don’t do anything other then make bland generalities and blame themselves on a stage without giving anything in return. How can the Democrats say they care about the poor African Americans when they turn around and gut the economy that keeps the inner cities poor and desperate. All the while, they stoke the flames of anger with talk of the racist southerner.

Bernie Sanders is no different, when asked if as president he would apologize for slavery, he jumped at the opportunity and couldn’t agree faster. He has been prepared his whole life to fall on someone else’s sword. A member of Black Lives Matter could ask Bernie Sanders anything and he would eagerly agree.

The candidates the Democratic Party has put forth this year are particularly pathetic and will go to any length to pander and roll over for the vote. In reality, they would do irreparable damage to these people’s livelihoods all while drawing huge checks from the very groups that destroy the economy and jobs.

Don’t be fooled by practiced speeches or pretty words when they come out of the mouth of snakes.

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