
Democrat Witch Hunt Against Jeff Sessions Will Backfire



Washington, D.C., law professor and attorney Victor Williams is the rare academic who is willing to speak out against the bad behavior of Liberals and Democrats. In this case, he criticizes Democrats who are engaging in what he calls a “witch hunt” against Attorney General Jeff Sessions and states that their behavior is likely to backfire against them in 2018.

Democratic Witch Hunt Against Jeff Sessions

“Jeff Sessions did nothing wrong. Jeff Sessions said nothing wrong. And, his partisan enemies know it,” he said in a statement released by America First Lawyers' Association, of which he is a chairman. “The same extreme partisans and greedy globalists who relentlessly attacked Jeff Sessions during his Senate confirmation ordeal are again abusing him. The American people can see through these unfair and untrue smears.”

Democrat Witch Hunt Against Jeff Sessions Will Backfire

He made further statements that imply that Democrats have their priorities backwards with their “strange obsession” with the Trump Administration's theoretical relationship with the Russians, while the Trump Administration prefers to focus on issues that most directly impact the lives of typical American citizens. These issues include tax cuts, job growth, health reforms, and restoring law and order, all of which Americans are more likely to care about when they hit the polls in 2018.

Democrats Engaging In Behavior That They Have Accused Republicans Of

In this case, the Democrats are pursuing the same activities that they have accused the Republicans of participating in by refusing to drop their unproven allegations regarding Jeff Sessions' relationship with the Russians.

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When Republicans opened an investigation during the Obama Administration, they wished to better understand what would have caused radicals to attack the U.S. embassy in Benghazi when they knew perfectly well that the root cause is unlikely to have been the filmmaker that Obama and Clinton tried to pin the blame on. They wished to understand why Clinton was storing possibly classified emails on her personal server. These were legitimate concerns that had to do with national security and the protection of American nationals in foreign countries and did not waste the time of investigators as the Democrats are doing now.

For this reason, Professor Williams states that Jeff Sessions was right to issue a swift denial and recuse himself from any investigation into this matter.  Williams has worked at the same law firm at which Sessions was the head prosecutor and credits Sessions for educating him about issues such as crime and the struggling American worker. He states that anyone who knows the attorney general would not so eagerly accuse him of anything less than ethical vigilance. “Jeff Sessions should also be commended for going the extra-mile in taking the ‘right and just' action to recuse himself from possible DOJ investigations involving the 2016 election.”

Williams' Colleagues Don't Agree

Beltway elitists continue to oppose Jeff Sessions despite his intent to act in an ethical and honest manner. According to Professor Williams, he is aware of as many as 1400 attorneys and law professors whom he accused of “marching in lockstep” with elitists who oppose Attorney General Sessions. These elitists ignore the fact that most American voters would not have been fooled by Democrats who allege that Russia tampered in American elections and are not fooled by this attempted smokescreen of investigating Sessions' alleged ties to Russia now.

Meanwhile, Attorney General Jeff Sessions chooses not to waste any more of the time on investigations into his alleged ties with the Russians so that he and other senior officials in the Trump Administration can focus on matters that have more meaning to the American public. That means voters will likely start to notice results by November 2018 and that is likely to have more of an effect on the American election process than the Russians did in November 2016.

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