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Rep. Higgins Calls on DHS Secretary Mayorkas To Resign



Representative Clay Higgins (R-LA) echoed calls for the resignation of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. He said that Mayorkas’s leadership at the Department of Homeland Security is an exercise in failure. Higgins’ call came amid yet another border crisis in the Southern United States.

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Higgins Told DHS Secretary To Resign

Flag of the United States Secretary of Homeland Security along with a flag of the United States of America | Higgins told DHS Secretary To Resign

The beleaguered DHS Secretary appeared before the House Committee on Homeland Security over its budget proposals for 2023.

During the hearing, Rep. Higgins managed to address the DHS Secretary as he pleaded his case. “This disaster we have at our southern border, this disintegration of our sovereignty, cannot be sustained.

Anyone who has two brain cells that perhaps would bump into each other would know that it's an abject failure,” Higgins said. 

In addition, Higgins asked Mayorkas if he needed anything to recognize his failure in border management. Will he quit once the number of border crossings or “gotaways” double?

Or should the crime rate triple instead of just double for the DHS Secretary to get a hint? “How would you identify failure if it's not what you've delivered so far? My God man, own the moment,” Higgins said.

Mayorkas Should Own This Thing and Resign

However, the DHS Secretary remained silent for the majority of the time Higgins spoke up. In fact, he did not respond even when Higgins threatened to impeach him once the GOP regained the House majority. 

A number of congressional seats are up for grabs this coming November. “You have been called upon to resign by myself and others.

Next year, if we have the majority, which we shall, you will face impeachment. I ask you as a man, own this thing,” Higgins said.

“Please feel my spirit and speak truthfully, step away from your talking points,” Higgins implored. Additionally, he advised Mayorkas to “speak to the American people and own this thing. We're losing our country down there and need you to resign. Save the country the pain of your impeachment.”

Mayorkas Not Taking The Hint

At the end of Wiggin’s allotted floor time, Mayorkas managed to respond to the congressman. 

“Congressman, I couldn't disagree with you more when you state that our nation's sovereignty is disintegrating,” he said.

However, the reality is a bit different from what the Homeland secretary is living. Republicans, joined by moderate Democrats, continually criticize the DHS and the Biden administration for the surge in migration at the border.  

Meanwhile, Homeland Security wants to accommodate up to 18,000 migrants a day in its centers near the border.  This is double the average of 7.000 crossing border agents encountered last March.

As a result, dozens of House Republicans and various state attorneys general called on Mayorkas to resign.  

Title 42 Expiration Will Make Things Worse

At the center of the border, the crisis is Title 42. Specifically, this is a Trump-era health order that turns away migrants who show up at the border.

Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced it will let the order expire by May 23. Expectedly, border states and lawmakers were aghast at the decision.

Many lawmakers hailing from the border states appealed to President Biden to reconsider the decision on Title 42. Otherwise, the US should brace itself for a massive surge of migrants crowding the southern borders. 

Watch Congressman Clay Higgins’ video where the lawmaker grills DHS Secretary over border failures:

Should DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas quit? Or, should the House take charge and impeach him instead?

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