Donald Trump Has Betrayed Us On Immigration
What does Donald Trump believe in?
If you asked me that a week ago I would have had one definitive answer on his campaign … Immigration reform.
I would tell you that he will do everything in his power to build a wall and deport the 11 million illegal immigrants that are currently occupying our land. I believed that a week ago, but now I’m not so sure what I believe about Donald Trump.
In a town hall meeting hosted by Sean Hannity, Donald Trump asked the crowd to choose between two choices. “Number one, we'll say throw out. Number two, we work with them. Ready?
The crowd cheered for both, but they cheered loudest for the second option. Donald Trump seemed pleased by this. He added, “They'll pay back taxes. They have to pay taxes. There's no amnesty as such.”
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This is a major and, honestly, very disappointing turn from Mr. Trump’s original policy. You can argue it’s only rhetoric or words, or that he is evolving his position as he tries to win the general election and that's fine. We even wrote several articles on his need to appeal to the larger audience in order to stop Hillary Clinton.
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However, immigration is the one big thing that he hadn’t wavered on. It was the biggest reason he had so many early supporters in the primary. It seemed to be the one make or break policy to so many hard-working Americans. Most importantly, it was the major issues that separated him from the field he was running against, especially Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio.
His new talk of having illegals pay back taxes and not deporting them is very much in line, some say even softer than, the policies of Bush and Rubio. Had he said that on the many debate stages that he shared with them, would he have still won your vote? I doubt it…
So what is going on with Donald Trump? Has he abandoned his hard line on immigration and if so can we trust him on any of the other promises he has made?
Donald Trump owes his supporters an explanation and it needs to be more than just talk of word choice. It is time that we demand some hardline answers and not just on his immigration policy, but on all of his policies. I want to know where he stands on all of these issues so he knows that we will hold him accountable if he moves from them. I still want my wall!
We deserve the right to know that we are not secretly voting for a liberal in conservative clothing.
What about you, where do you stand on Trump’s recent policy shift?