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Donald Trump Makes Seven-Eleven Great Again
Donald Trump let out one of his biggest gaffes on Monday when he called nine-eleven seven-eleven.
“It's very close to my heart because I was down there and I watched our police and our fireman down on seven-eleven at the world trade center after it came down.”
First, no he was not referring to a fire station and he is definitely not referring to the chain of convenient stores.
Second, don't get upset, this is just a funny moment in a historic and sometimes outrageous and heated campaign. The truth is that Donald Trump is a 69-year-old man who is likely having to work harder than he has in forty years.
Finally, There should be no doubt in anyone's mind that Donald Trump knows what 9/11 is and when it occurred in. You are free to say anything you like about Mr. Trump, but you should believe that he cares for New York City and was very much affected by the events on 9/11.
So to the Trump supporters who think we are betraying them by posting this video, relax and take your laughs where you can get them.
To the Trump haters who thinks this proves once and for all that he is an idiot, I'm sorry, it doesn't. You will have to wait for the next time he puts his foot in his mouth. If you ask New York, they didn't mind, they voted Trump his biggest win yet.