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Donald Trump Should Win The Nobel Peace Prize



  • Donald Trump has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • Other nominees this year include Edward Snowden and two top U.S. and Iranian nuclear negotiators.
  • He was nominated due to “his vigorous peace through strength ideology, used as a threat weapon of deterrence against radical Islam, ISIS, nuclear Iran and Communist China.”
  • Trump is not expected to win.

(CNN) Nobel Peace Prize nominees: The Greek island groups welcoming Syrian refugees, an escaped ISIS sex slave turned women's rights activist, the negotiators who ended five decades of civil war in Colombia, National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden.

Oh, and Donald Trump.

The Republican presidential candidate, who was hosting a reality TV show at this time last year, has been nominated for the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize by a mystery patron, Kristian Berg Harpviken told CNN on Wednesday, confirming an earlier AFP report.

A respected Nobel watcher and director of the Peace Research Institute of Oslo, Harpviken said he was “committed to not reveal the nominator's name,” but shared online the language from the letter, which praised Trump for “his vigorous peace through strength ideology, used as a threat weapon of deterrence against radical Islam, ISIS, nuclear Iran and Communist China.”

During his campaign, Trump has repeatedly vowed to “bomb the s– out of ISIS” and threatened to impose a protective tariff on trade with the Chinese.

The Nobel Committee, which does not reveal the details of its decision-making process, typically offers thousands of people the opportunity to nominate notable organizations and individuals for the award, which counts among its recipients Martin Luther King Jr., the Red Cross and, in 2009, President Barack Obama.

Trump, however, is not on Harpviken's shortlist, which is currently topped by Snowden and two top U.S. and Iranian nuclear negotiators. Others who were nominated but did not receive the prize include Mahatma Gandhi, Pope Francis, Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Putin.

By Gregory Krieg, CNN

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  • lisamains says:

    He should get one Look what he did .he made history Every body is talking about the issues ,what is ailing this country Got people to polls .opened eyes woke up a sleeping giant ,and more to come .hope he gets one You go MR Trump Hope to see you in our WH

  • ludlow porch says:

    Trump, deserves the Nobel! Obama should have his prize stuck up his ass!

  • Ronald Ostman says:

    he has done more for this Country,a very great man

  • Monica Grissom says:

    Because he’s got the Balls to stand up for what America Needs!! And that’s Not Lying Hiliary Clinton a socialist Bernie Sanders!! A cheater like Ted Cruz!!! Marco is wouldn’t be able to handle finances!! Something’s not right with him!!!

  • john says:

    because he is an IDIOT

  • Roberto says:

    negative profile

  • bonni says:

    Peace through strength.. Trump
    close the borders – Trump
    country with out borders ceases to exist – Trump

    Trump 2016

    Europe has woman leader hows that working out for them???

  • Albert Jablonski says:


  • Steve says:

    Steve He’s hasn’t done anything to earn it. We already did that and look how that turned out

  • Rocky says:

    If Obama can win, anybody can win !

  • Ron says:

    he’s done nothing but talk just like Obama, who to this day has done nothing to deserve it.

  • David Christian says:

    Don’t make me Laugh! All the Rectoric he’s spouted in his run for the White House,I really don’t think the Noble Peace prize was established for that.

  • Tom Horn says:

    He has mot done anything to deserve it .. like Obama who did nothing to deserve it and now tries to live up to the award.. laughable!

  • Father Joseph Michael Cain says:

    those that condem Trump do not care that the government has taken all the steps to become a total government run country no matter what is deemed to be needed for the PEOPLE

  • FAITH says:


  • Thomas Michael Ketner says:

    He is impulsive in his comments which are frequently crude and demeaning as well as divisive.

  • John Claus says:

    What does he plan to do to bring the nation back? He says a lot but nothing with substance.

  • Shirley says:

    Because he is a jerk, he side steps all questions that the voters need to know, but he comes up with garbage remarks that are not about a damn thing we want to know. We want a straight answer about what he believes in and whether he will follow the US constitutional rights and values. Someone with balls need to stop him in the middle of his
    showboat speech and repeat what you and we need to know. This man needs to be vetted, look what happened to us when we didn’t and still haven’t ask for a birth certificate on the idiot we have now. One arrogant SOB with his feet on every desk in our White House, whether it is with the soles of his shoes prop on the desk or the soles of
    his shoes in the faces of visitors from Israel or
    where ever, showing disrespect…. I am ashamed of this President and don’t want another one we as Americans are really hurting and no one in Washington seems to be aware of it. Bring our Reagan values back to help us restore our country!!!!!!!!!!

  • dan says:

    because he has more balls than the malado

  • Arbie Viau says:

    The only man with guts enough to take on the Washington Cartel, and campaign for POTUS with his own party campaigning against him. He has taken more unnecessary flack and all he has done is love America and wanting to bring back Her glory as it should be. He didn’t have to, he already has a great life and has put it aside for the United States of America.

  • Jean De Grandmont says:

    saying is not doing

  • WILLIE J. MILLS says:


  • WILLIE J. MILLS says:


  • Doug says:

    Because we need to take a tough stance against terrorists and it appears that mr. Trump is following in the same tracks as some of our other great presidents that weren’t afraid to stand up to for lack of a better word bullies. We need to continue to have a ready posture against these terror groups just as presidents of the past did such as presidents Roosevelt, Truman, Reagan, Bush and going even farther back to one great president Lincoln, Jefferson and our first great president Washington

  • joe says:

    Why not ????????

  • Derrick Jones says:

    Going into World War 3 as we are regardless the new President, we need our new leader to have a “war” type disposition. This current motto the U.S. has been operating under and by way too, too long of being a “kinder, gentler Nation”, is Bull*hi*, a politician excuse to have to do nothing except scam on us tax payers money and do to us citizens of this country much alike what we accuse the Third World Nations leaders of doing to their citizens. Leaders we find our place to hunt down, prosecute then assisnate through our “death penalty”process. Go Trump ! F**k It !

  • Louis Lanzilla says:

    Trump as not done A thing to deserve the peace award

  • Beverly says:

    If someone like obama got it then Donald Trump is certainly worthy of it!!

  • Martha Tucker says:

    What has he done to derserve to win the Nobel Peace Prize,. Same way with Obama. The only reason Obama won is because he is black. If it had been a whitr person they would not gotte te Prize. Its got to the [oint that every game show on TV is catering to the black people.


    what for ????

  • Virginia McFarland says:

    He is a loose canon. He is not stable at all, and would be a danger to our country.

  • Stephanie says:

    I say yes. Trump alone has had the backbone to stand up against the things that are destroying America. Those are terrorists in our midst, illegal immigration using up the resources that should be going to our own veterans, homeless, seniors and mentally ill, and, possibly the most dangerous threat of all, political correctness. The world is watching America. Many nations on this planet owe their freedom to America, who has stood up for justice around the globe. They want to see if we will allow the false logic of political correctness, a false logic used by liberals and liberal puppets such as this website, to control what free people may or may not say, do, think or believe. Every politician and every media outlet stood against Trump as he broke through the PC barrier, while patriots recognized our new champion. Yes, it was a surprise that the man who stands strongest for what will ultimately save America is Donald Trump, but he has my undying loyalty and that of a great many other common sense patriots, too. His stance on vetting Muslims is not disgusting. It is common sense, something that political correctness has suppressed the last 7 years.

  • miguel alvarado says:

    he’s a good business man, tough, is supportive of a right way to make America good and safe again, a good father, husband, pure American go getter

  • DUKE says:

    Donald Trump should win everything in the world these days. The U. S. of A., and in fact the entire world, needs his leadership. Powerful, decisive leadership is essential to make any and every enterprise (which includes businesses and countries, which are businesses, too) work well and last. Donald Trump’s leadership, experience, and wisdom will make us well again, and keep us strong and safe.

  • S L Campbell says:

    He is a business man and hells it like it is!

  • george nases sr says:

    because I say so

  • Ed says:

    Why Not? If they Just give it To ANYONE! What Did Oscuma Do To Deserve it??

  • Andrea Costello says:

    Trump helps ordinary people. He has given much of his own money to run for President. He knows people and has made much of his money by being keen enough to know who and what to support. He is not a bleeding heart with no direction.

    I want a President who has a history of success, in his endeavors. A president needs guts. We will not survive as a country if we get a gutless president, or one that can’t face evil and says everthing is “wonderful” when the bombs start dropping. He is protecting Americans from their own stupidity and inability to see what other foreign countries have seen.

  • betty says:

    I believe he is following in the foot steps of others through history who had the same narcissistic traits. after all Hitler became the darling of the people before they found the dangers.

  • Avalon Adam says:

    Can someone actually point me to a speech when trump actually laid out a fiscal plan for teh USA or talked on policy? All he seeems to have done so far is go on about a wall built on US terrirory which Mexico will be charged for. God knows how he expects mexico to pay for this. He rattles on about ‘Muzlims’ but says nothing about th egrowing divide between rich and poor in America or the fact a young black man is more likely to go to jail than college.
    The only good thing about Trump is that he is not going on about God all the time which seems to be a pre-requisit for running for the White House.

  • Mrs. Nidya R. Hernandez says:

    What has he done to deserve it? All he does is insult people by calling them names, being rude, and a bully and repeating the same crap over and over. He has no class and the fact that he has built a lot building and is rich and owns a lot of real estate does not give him class. What has he done to help the poor, homeless and his country. Just like Obama didn’t deserve getting the Nobel Prize neither does Trump. I used to like him but now I don’t. He is a pompous bully and not of presidential material for our country.

  • Mark matulovich says:

    When you let your enemies know your not scared , take any crap and will do something if they get out of line. Do what you say your gonna do. Obama is a weak, a liar, and does not do what he say’s.

  • dora mcmillan says:

    i will not say anything bad about trump but in my opinion he has really showed nothing to deserve the peace prize as of yet. Any one winning this should have to earn it not give for nothing.

  • Keith says:

    If the man who tried to destroy America was awarded it for nothing, then the man pledged to restore it definitely deserves it.

  • lucky3511 says:

    Let them make up for the mistake of giving it unearned to the Muslim Mullah Emperor Obama. The worst disaster that ever happened to America. Give it to the man who will try and save what is left of America Donald Trump

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