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Fiorina Guarantees That Cruz Will Rival Trump



  • Former Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina endorsed Ted Cruz in Miami on Wednesday.
  • Cruz is quickly becoming the only candidate that is even close to catching Donald Trump and this endorsement comes at a critical time.
  • Fiorina said that she is horrified at the thought of Donald Trump and that “The truth is Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are two sides of the same coin.”
  • Cruz has managed to stay close to Trump's delegate lead the whole race.

(CNN) – Former Republican presidential candidate and businesswomen Carly Fiorina endorsed Texas Sen. Ted Cruz at a rally in Miami Wednesday, and confessed to being “horrified” by front-runner Donald Trump.

“Last Tuesday we had a primary, and I walked into the ballot box,” she told a crowd of Cruz supporters. “I saw my name on the ballot, and it was kind of a thrill, but I checked the box for Ted Cruz.”

The surprise endorsement comes as Cruz tries to consolidate GOP support and challenge front-runner businessman Donald Trump for the Republican nomination.

“When you lead, you must challenge the status quo, and when you challenge the status quo, you make enemies,” Fiorina said of Cruz's rise.

The former Hewlett-Packard CEO slammed Trump's relationship with the GOP during the endorsement, and emphasized Ted Cruz is the only candidate who can beat him.

“There are people in our party who are actually kind of horrified by Donald Trump. I'm one of them,” Fiorina told Cruz supporters. “We're going to have to beat Donald Trump at the ballot box. And the only guy who can beat Donald Trump is Ted Cruz.”

“There are some people in our party saying Donald Trump isn't so bad … but he's a deal maker; he can make deals. The truth is Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are two sides of the same coin. They're not going to reform the system, they are the system,” she said.

By Julia Manchester, CNN

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  • Marvin Croson says:

    Because he is Canadian. Obama opened the door to everyone that is not native born.

  • Debra Miller says:

    Cruz is a BUSH man. He is being supported by lobbyists and PACS which the American Public is sick and tired of. He and his CFR member wife Heidi, (she’s worse then him!) are part of the Washington DC croney system.

  • Dawn Petterson says:

    Carly Fiorina is a failure! She brought down Hewlett-Packard until they almost folded; she was a weak presidential candidate; and she has NO WEIGHT with the American people.

    Donald Trump, om the other hand, has many Congressmen and governors behind him. Rudy Giuliana has more weight in his little finger than Fiorina has in her entire body. Her and Cruz should go home!!

  • gf says:

    I think that she is retaliating at, Donald Trump’s: “Look at that face….”, comment. Sorry Ted, it’s not going to help.

  • Elaine says:

    Cruz is an ok guy but I don’t think Carly’s support will make much of a difference for any candidate. Trump’s climb has more to do with people being sick of political double-speak. We just want straight answers and people think Trump will give them. The trend to dump on Trump will backfire on Establishment republicans.

  • SHEENA says:

    I do not trust Ted Cruz to compromise with Congress. I also feel that he has employed some pretty nefarious methods to try and get votes. Frankly, he is sleazy whilst holding a bible in one hand he is stabbing people in the back with the other.

  • Gerald Kitrush says:

    Why would anyone support Cruse? All he does in the debates is accuse Trump of stuff, and
    we still do not know his platform. He is the saddest candidate our party has ever backed,
    in my humble opinion. I know several that switched to the Democrat party because of the fighting and I am considering that too.

  • David Ensign says:

    Carly is one very sharp lady with the right principles and values.

  • arthur Marinelli says:

    Well to begin with I think she lost any credibility when she dropped out. Sen. Cruz is a man of many faces to me. He is not very honest and I believe he will say anything needed to enhance his position of winning this nomination.

  • Dawn Leona Dickerson says:

    Mrs. Fiorina’s time at HP, a $42 billion business operating in 130 countries when she started, is perhaps her biggest credential as a candidate and an important basis for voters as they take the measure of the first female chief executive to seriously pursue the presidency.

    As a Boss, Carly Fiorina Was a Contradictory Figure at Hewlett-Packard! As Trump said once on Oprah, “You can’t have 95% of the people hating you” I believe she has that dictatorship demeanor Not Leadership. See it all the time. Loud mouth… People do not like her. Because of her, many people lost everything. She got her money and left..

    Today, she frames her candidacy as a campaign against complacency and self-interest in Washington, the same forces that in her telling opposed her at HP, which fired her in 2005. YOU CANNOT TALK TO WOMEN LIKE THAT! Carly talks about Trump! The truth is what she see in Trump, is what people see in her.. She just like Trump! Only she does not have the gift. She is not Accepted or Received.. Trump on the other hand is…Trump is Natural, people love Trump. Carly, isn’t running? Another loser!? Carly, is as bitter as a “Witch’s Ass”…Go Trump

  • Etta Harbin says:

    Wolf Dress in Sheep Clothing!!

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