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After Musk Buys Twitter, Democrats Fear Free Speech for All



After Elon Musk bought Twitter, Democrats now fear that free speech will become even more free.  Lawmakers belonging to the Democrat Party voiced concerns that Musk’s ownership of Twitter will allow more freedom of speech.

RELATED: Board Agrees to Elon Musk’s $44B Twitter Buyout Offer

Democrats Afraid of More Free Speech?

Democrat election on textured American flag | Democrats Afraid of More Free Speech? 

Billionaire Elon Musk successfully bought Twitter on Monday through a massive $44 billion offer. Musk plans to privatize the company so as to make it less susceptible to shareholder pressure. He also vowed to lead Twitter in a more free speech-oriented direction. 

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However, Democrats fear that under Musk, Twitter could allow more unfiltered opinions to go online.

They also voiced concerns that Musk will reactivate accounts belonging to controversial figures such as former President Donald Trump.

In a statement after his purchase, Musk emphasized the need for Twitter to stay neutral. “Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy,” he said. “Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated.”

Senator Warren Fears Musk Will Push For More Free Speech

However, Democrats used Musk’s purchase to reintroduce legislation for higher taxes and greater regulation of tech companies. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) weighed in on the dangers of Musk’s buyout.

“Musk purchasing Twitter is dangerous for our democracy,” Warren told the media. “It is a reminder why we need a wealth tax and why we need some serious regulation for Big Tech. In fact, bIllionaires such as Musk shouldn’t have the power to turn the world upside down. 

In addition, Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) also voiced concerns that part of Musk’s plan is to bring back the personalities the company previously banned.

“He said he wants to make it this global message board. My first question to him, ‘Is our message board going to include Donald Trump?’,” he asked.

“That’s a key question. If he lets that man rant and rave on Twitter, not in the best interest of America’s future,” Durbin added. The Democrat added that other key Senate committees are now drafting new regulations to impose on Big Tech companies. 

Democrats Afraid That Trump Will Return to Twitter

Other Democrats also showed their concerns over Musk’s plans to free Twitter from censorship.  

Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) also raised her fears that Trump will get back to posting his thoughts on Twitter. She felt that “somebody who encouraged and organized a violent insurrection” shouldn’t have a voice on Twitter.

However, Trump himself dismissed the idea of going back to Twitter. Earlier, the former president made it clear after Musk’s buyout that he has no plans for a Twitter comeback. Instead, Trump would rather use and grow his own social media network, TRUTH Social. 

Meanwhile,  Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) opened up concerns that Twitter will start implementing new rules on user content. He suggested that the social platform should retain some form of regulation.

He said that the platform should go through appropriate regulatory reviews. “I’m doing some of my own checking,” he added. 

‘Oligarch Owns the Town Square’

Finally, Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) rounded up the latest batch of Democrats fearful of increased free speech. He said that Musk’s singular ownership of Twitter might have some political implications.

“It’s always a concern when an oligarch may be owning the town square. I think we do need to pay a lot of attention to how it’s managed,” he noted. 

Watch the MSNBC news video reporting that with the Twitter purchase, does Elon Musk care about free speech more than money?

Why do you think Democrats are fearful of unregulated free speech over Twitter and other social media? In addition, do you support Elon Musk’s plans to implement fewer restrictions and moderation over user posts?

Tell us what you think. Share your comments below.

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