Gun Rights

The Gun That They Can Never Take Away



We all know that things in the US are a bit… unstable at the moment. Changes in leadership, constant debates about this right or that right, it's hard to know where you stand and what rights are truly inalienable and which ones could be taken at any moment. I'm sure that this unpleasant thought has occurred to you before, but many feel powerless in the face of the idea that their rights could be stripped at any moment.

…it's hard to know where you stand and what rights are truly inalienable and which ones could be taken at any moment

-This was originally published on Gun Carrier and has been shared with permission-

Even after the election of Donald Trump, some wonder if he'll stay pro-guns in his presidency. Watch the video below around the 2:20 mark where one person expresses their concerns about Trump and his flip-flopping on gun control –

The powerlessness in the face of the government's whims is especially true when it comes to the second amendment. If the government decides to reach into your home and take your guns, there's little you can do. Sure, we can call our representatives and sign petitions, but at the end of the day, if it happens you're still totally screwed.

My advice – speak out, fight for your rights, call everyone and sign everything, but also prepare for the worst.

Prepare for the moment that your guns are taken away by owning a gun that CAN'T be taken away. Think about it – sure they'll come looking for all of your shotguns, handguns, etc – registered and unregistered. Buy what about a gun that's legality isn't argued about EVER – the air rifle. Now, hear me out. It's not as powerful as your standard rifle, sure. But it's very safely legal just about everywhere, there's no threats to take them away, and you don't have to register them. Wondering if an air rifle can actually pack a punch? Watch this badass demo.

Note: Not all air rifles can do this, but this demo proves that they can be quite powerful.

It also solves many of the ammo shortage problems that we all worry about on a daily basis. Once again, the government isn't trying to regulate and take away pellets, so they're cheaper, easier to get ahold of, and much less of a headache. Sure, these pellets can't do the damage that standard gun ammo can do, but it'll do a hell of a lot more that your empty hands once your gun has been taken or your ammo runs out.

The Gun That They Can Never Take Away

Before everyone gets on my case, let me be very clear: I do not mean to give up on your standard guns and ammo stores by any stretch of the imagination. All that I'm saying is that in a political climate like the one we find ourselves in, wouldn't it be smart (and potentially life-saving) to have a really solid backup plan? Another thing I'd like to clarify – I'm not talking about a BB gun. What I use is a high-powered air rifle and most certainly NOT a toy. This is used for hunting small game, not for your kid to play target practice.

Another thing I'd like to clarify – I'm not talking about a BB gun.

My personal favorite is the Girandoni Air Rifle. It's a great option that combines power and durability into a lightweight rifle. It's quiet, compact, and best of all LEGAL ALMOST ANYWHERE. You don't even have to take this thing to the range. Here it is below ??


Here are some of the main benefits of using the Girandoni

    • It's legal almost EVERYWHERE, so you can shoot pop cans in your backyard, even in a subdivision.
    • It's powerful, so you can hunt small game like birds, rabbits and squirrels, or get rid of varmints like moles, rats and raccoons.
    • It's rugged, so you can keep it in the garage, the back of the truck or in a tool shed, and if the kids drag it in the mud… who cares.
    • It's accurate, so you usually won't have to shoot twice, unless you are cockeyed like me 🙂
    • It's FUN to shoot, so you and the kids or grandkids will ALWAYS have something to do.
    • It's cheap to shoot at only .003 cents per round, there is no other weapon that is such a value.
    • You can get it without a background check or registration in almost all 50 states, even California*.
    • It's built to last and has a hell of a story behind it that you can share with your friends.

[wps_products_gallery product_id=”4334010171443, 4333959544883, 4333915537459″]

  • It's light and easy to carry, weighing in at just 7.2 lbs, so even ladies and kids can handle it with ease.
  • It's compact, with a total length of just inches from end to end. This baby ?ts almost anywhere.
  • It's made of real STEEL and the stock is waterproof 550 Krayton Polymer, so you can dump this baby in the swamp and it will still ?re EVERY TIME.
  • It's sights are EXCEPTIONAL! You can zero in on any target in seconds.
  • It's QUIET and can be ?red almost anywhere 100% unnoticed and can be used in metro situations where ?ring your ordinary .22 could land you in jail.
  • It's VERY safe for young marksmen, with a thumb button safety and single shot action.
  • It's guaranteed from any normal wear and tear for 5 years. If it breaks we'll simply give you a new one. So easy, right!

Air rifles are also my favorite backup option because they're so much like what I already use for hunting and protection. It's not like learning to use a whole new tool – it's the same techniques and training, just with a slightly different gun. It's just like training with any other new gun – once you've learned one the others come easy.

Don't get caught unprepared if they come for our guns. No matter how safe you might feel with your stores, a backup plan is 100% necessary in this turbulent time.

If you're going to rely on an air rifle as your backup plan, you should get your hands on one as soon as you can. The pellets are easy to come by, but the guns themselves sell out constantly. Well, at least any of the quality ones that are worth having. Here's where you can find my favorite, the Girandoni. They're hard to get your hands on, so if you have the opportunity, claim one ASAP.

Don't get caught unprepared if they come for our guns. No matter how safe you might feel with your stores, a backup plan is 100% necessary in this turbulent time. Click below to check availability for the Girandoni air rifle. You won't regret it!

Up Next: Women’s Day: Conservative Women Throughout History

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