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Healthcare In Trump’s America | What Does It Mean For You?



Just imagine the future of healthcare. Just imagine for a moment that your wife has just returned from a medical checkup at her doctor’s office.  Walking through the door, you can tell by the look on her face that there’s no good news hiding behind her panicked face.  You knew, just by looking at her, that the diagnosis is in.  The reality of the situation, what once was just a minor worry has become a terrifying reality.

The diagnosis: Cancer

Within an hour the hospital will arrive at your home.  How to explain this to the children?  How do you make them understand that their mother is going to be gone without a proper good-bye?  It can't be real. How could this happen?  Cancer.  It just doesn’t make sense.

But you know that resistance is futile.  You think of fighting- something- anything to save her life.  But when the medical panel has made its diagnosis, nothing can be done.  After several tearful moments, there’s a knock at the door.  The men from the hospital are at the doors, the front and the back, just in case.

Everyone knows what happens next, they know they can’t fight.  The entire family could be killed in the gunfire.  So peacefully, she walks out the door and is placed in the back of a van by armed guards.  It’s for her own good, and the good of society, that she not be required to suffer an expensive and possibly fruitless series of medical treatments when so many others require resources to survive.

Universal care means universal concern.  It means putting the good of the many before the good of the few.  The resources to treat her are too extreme, too expensive, too uncertain.  The Life Panel reviews all diagnosis to ensure only the wisest decisions are made to protect the national interests.  So, within an hour of diagnosis, all fatal cases are painlessly euthanized and then cremated in the hospital crematorium.

Healthcare In Trump's America

This is the future of American healthcare under socialist control.  As you read this, our new Presidential administration is attempting to prevent this slippery slope into a dystopian nightmare from happening.  I’m sure somewhere in this post of mine I could place fancy pie charts, 50 years of data, all illustrating medical costs while evaluating profits etc. etc.  The fact is, healthcare costs are rising because hospitals are allowed to extort the sick so doctors can buy new swimming pools and sports cars.

And even in situations where voluntary payment isn’t an option, Hospitals can then seize your property, including houses and cars.  So not only can they charge whatever they want, if you can’t pay they have the government to secure your debt by seizing your property.  Not even mobsters are so dishonest!

Obamacare was seemingly the cure for this sickness in our healthcare system.  The problem is that it treated the symptom and the not the cause.  Rising health care costs are pure greed, with an insurance system that fed it, and the dwindling of competition with medical clinics.  Unfortunately, or as fortune would have it, Obamacare was doomed for the grave the moment it started.

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The only success of Obamacare was in convincing the group-think sheepish liberal majority that it was the best thing since electing a black president!  According to an article on Politico, GOP Lessons from the Latest Town Halls, crowds are hitting republicans hard on our desire to repeal ACA.  Being sold the usual socialist propaganda of a happy system run in a land of rainbows and unicorns where a trustworthy central government runs everything for the good off all, ACA advocates are still rallying behind a dead system that doesn’t work.

The question is, why?  Cost!  The central argument is cost.  Obamacare failed by transferring the cost of care from the lower middle class to the middle and upper middle classes thus making it too expensive for everyone over the poverty line.  Secondly, it failed to address the actual cost of care (like how a local doctor’s office will charge $75 for an x-ray while the hospital charges $500).  Third, it infringed on our constitutional rights!  Yes, that old document written by white slave owners 200 years ago still matters.

And finally, the creation of Obamacare, I believe, was a rouse designed to placate the electorate to prepare the public for universal care via a Hillary campaign victory in the future.  But I suppose it’s the Alex Jones part of my conscience to suspect that completely unsubstantiated opinion.  As a political strategist however, if I wanted a Universal Care system in the political climate of 2008, I would have designed a way to “fix” the insurance industry and then sell its failure as proof that a universal system, our dystopian future written above, is the only true way forward.  But that’s just the devil in me.

Healthcare In Trump's America | What Does It Mean For You?

So, what’s our new heroic leader planning to do to solve the problem?  Well, something.  Sort-of.

Like the failing ACA with its treatment of symptoms and not causes- the Trump interstate sales solution has, thus far, offered no real vaccine for the cost epidemic.  In fairness to President Trump though, he hasn’t formally announced his plan.  Unfortunately though, he has spent the better part of two years selling his insurance idea as the universal cure for the problems that face real Americans.

The free and open market concept, a typical go-to solution for us conservatives, isn’t necessarily dead on arrival however.  There are just a series of problems that must be overcome.  For example, if you walk into a doctor’s office for a physical without health insurance, they’ll charge you $20.  If you tell them you have insurance, they’ll bill the insurance company $70 and then you’ll be asked to cover your $20 co-pay. WTH?

This is part of the problem when it comes to getting health insurance providers to pay the bills.  They’ve been onto the hospitals scams since the beginning and in this tug of war between the two, it’s you and me that get stuck in the middle… and possibly dying in the process.

So, President Trump, what are you going to do about that?

Up Next: Trump Accuses Obama of Wire Tap During Presidential Campaign

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