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Hillary Is Lying Her Way Through Politics




Hillary Is Lying Her Way Through Politics (Image: NYTimes)

Lying seems to follow Hillary around wherever she goes. Her campaign is no stranger to the art of deception and deceit. Yet it seems that with every passing day her fabrications seem to get a little more out of hand.

On Thursday, at a Greenpeace rally, Hillary accused Sen. Bernie Sander’s presidential campaign party of lying about her to the press. The accusation came after a question was directed at her about taking money contributions from fossil fuel companies and whether she would reject the contributions in the future.

“I am so sick of the Sanders campaign lying about me. I’m sick of it,” Hillary said.

Yet if we look back down the timeline of Hillary’s stories, we only have to go back as far as February to see that Hillary DID accept money contributions from fossil fuel companies. The great part is, not only did she accept the contribution and talk about it openly, but she scoffed at the fact that the $150,000 contribution wasn’t very much.

“Oh, you know what, when you’ve raised $120 million, $150,000 is not very much,” Clinton replied.

Welcome to the deceitful world of the Clinton campaign. We won't even begin to delve into the world of her personal email accounts and all the trouble that is making, not only for her campaign, but for the FBI. 

The Clintons are known, by reputation and name, to be liars. It started with her husband, as the President of The United States, lying openly about an affair inside the oval office. It seems now that Hillary is taking from her husbands political playbook.

What is it exactly that the people look for in a president? A leader? A voice for the people? Someone to be the face of the public that they represent? A voice in the midst of chaos? Or a liar?

We need a leader more than ever in this country. We have a radical military group knocking at the door of every country, killing hundreds from Paris to Brussels. We need someone who is going to be strong in the wake of pressure, someone to speak for us. Not someone who is going to lie to get the approval of the people, just so they can get their agenda done.

There have been handfuls of famous leaders in this world that have made their mark by lying.

Hillary Is Lying Her Way Through Politics (Image: OddStuffMagazine)

Do we really want another one?

Sourced from Breitbart

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