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HuffPost’s Clickbait Headline Claims Trump Invested in Coronavirus Cure



The HuffPost claimed President Donald Trump has a vested financial interest in hydroxychloroquine, a potential coronavirus cure. But the fine print about his investment debunked their clickbait-filled headline.

HuffPost headlined its allegations, “Donald Trump has stake in hydroxychloroquine drugmaker: Report.”

The website's sub-heading said that Trump “has repeatedly touted the anti-malaria drug as a coronavirus treatment despite a lack of medical evidence.”

Based on the headline, it would be safe to assume that Trump would have a significant financial investment in the drug. However, HuffPost noted that he has a “small personal financial interest” in French drugmaker Sanofi. The amount of Trump's investment was estimated between $100 and $1,500, which is far from a vested and significant financial investment in the drug.

HuffPost also ignored at least one study in France that said hydroxychloroquine could be a potential coronavirus cure.

Though more studies are yet to come to verify the initial findings, it could be a part of a future vaccine. Several states, such as New York and Michigan, have requested it from federal authorities to help treat coronavirus patients. Anecdotally, a Democratic state lawmaker from Michigan named Karen Whitsett thanked Trump for promoting hydroxychloroquine. She and her husband were struggling with the coronavirus and she said that hydroxychloroquine helped them recover.

HuffPost should correct its clickbait headline and go with a less sensational one to accurately portray the media reports.

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