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Kavanaugh Deserves Better Than This Witch Hunt



President Trump on Thursday night told Fox News he thinks Brett Kavanaugh is “an outstanding person” who deserves a vote on his Supreme Court nomination, adding: “I don't think you can delay it any longer.”

The remarks came during an interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity ahead of a “Make America Great Again” rally in Las Vegas, where Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev., is up for re-election.

Christine Blasey Ford alleged that Kavanaugh forced himself onto her and covered her mouth in the 1980s, when Kavanaugh was 17 and she was 15.

Ahead of the rally, Trump added that Ford should be given an opportunity to “have her say and let’s see how it all works out.”

“But I don’t think you can delay it any longer. They’ve delayed it a week already,” Trump continued.

“I say, let her say what she has to say. And let's see how it all comes out. But they’ve delayed it a week. And they have to get on with it,” Trump said.

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