
Know Your Life/Actions Matter!



If you are like many others you have had times when you wondered whether and why your personal life and actions (or, lack of) matter!

It's up to me must become the most compelling perspective because generally your success and/ or, failure depends on you being ready willing and able to think – outside – the – box and proactively pursue whatever course helps you improve as much as possible!

Too often individuals resort to blaming others for whatever goes wrong instead of assuming personal responsibility and being prepared or, resort to the most dangerous behavior of procrastination!

With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider examine review and discuss 5 essential key considerations which are most significant in terms of being convinced your life and actions truly matter.

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5 Considerations To Make You Know Your Life/Actions Matter

1. Makes you feel better about yourself/ Proud: Does your life, and actions, enhance your self-esteem and are you, consistently, proud, of your body – of – work? If you saw, someone, else, behaves, as you do, would you respect them, and trust them? What gives you this feeling of self-respect, and why? How will you, proactively, attempt to be, the best, you can, possibly, be?

2. What do you want, and care about, instead of, simply, trying to fit – in?: Why do, so many, seem to prioritize, fitting – in, rather than, doing, their best, to seek their own set of interests and priorities? What good, does it do, to attempt to, be another clone, rather than, becoming, your personal best?

3. Something, which inspires you, to commit to, etc: When was the last time, you took the time, and made a concerted effort, to give yourself, a check-up, from the neck – up, and proceeded, forward, with true, objective – introspection?

What makes something, truly, meaningful, to you, personally, and why? Once you discover what inspires, and motivates, you, in a compelling way, and commit, fully, you begin, your path, towards personal growth, and actual, development!

4. An action, which might make a difference, for the better: Too many, try to make some changes, because, for any, of a variety of personal reasons, are not happy, with what they are present, involved in!

However, simply making any change, solely, for change – sake, rarely, makes a meaningful difference, for the better! Are you willing, to delve deeply, to discover, what you want, and need, and are ready, to commit to?

5. True, peace – of – mind: What does peace – of – mind, mean and represent, for you? Will you, introspectively, examine, what makes – you – tick, and, what makes you feel better about yourself, your self-worth, etc? How might you enhance the quality, and consistency, of your self – confidence, and self-esteem?

There is no magic formula, to becoming, a better – you! Are you willing to consistently, commit, to whatever, it takes, to know yourself, discover your strengths, and weaknesses (effectively, taking advantage of areas of strength, and, addressing, every weakness)?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades.

Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook

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