Election 2016

Kudos To You Mr. Trump



Kudos To You Mr. Trump, see more at: https://absoluterights.com/kudos-mr-trump/
Kudos To You Mr. Trump (Image: MGN)

I have to say that I am very proud of the Republican Presidential Nominee, Donald Trump.

At the beginning of his presidential race, he came at politics like a bull in a China shop. He stampeded into the room, he said what he thought, he might have offended or hurt people, but he was standing for what he thought was truth. There isn't anything more honorable than that.

Throughout his campaign, he has survived on one thing: he actually wants to win. In the beginning, he was a little stubborn about his policies and the way he did politics. People would come into his administration and slowly directing him in one way or another. Yet, if he didn't agree with the direction, or thought it “wasn't him,” he didn't do it. He has continued to stick to his guns.

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Yet, now that the presidential election is slowly coming to an end he is realizing the importance of having a good team. He is starting to listen to their direction. The man who gave talked about softening some policies on immigration and deportation was a different man than the country has seen recently. It was still Trump, don't get me wrong.

It takes a great leader to swallow his pride and know when you need guidance. Or when you need help. Trump is a businessman and has been his own boss for years and now he is coming into a world where he needs all the help he can get. I can imagine that transition would be a little frightening, but he is doing it.

So, kudos to you Mr. Trump.

Hillary has yet to make a transformation in her politics. She continues to remain the same woman that she was when she first entered the race. That's not a good thing. Leaders need to adapt, they need to change. The American people are like the currents of the sea, we shift, we change, we move, we grow. The person who is going to leader our country needs to be able to change and grow with us.

SEE RELATED: A Plea To Our Presidential Nominee Donald Trump

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