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Leaking Classified Information From The White House Should Be Considered Treason



Leaking classified information from our government is unacceptable. Period. After a whirlwind month in office, President Trump has basically managed to accomplish miracles in righting the economy from Obama’s disastrous tenure. For anyone in doubt, take one look at the stock market indexes. The Nasdaq, S&P, and Dow Jones have ALL closed at record high after record high after record high in the last few weeks. And since the stock market is a direct manifestation of how traders and investors view the economy, things are looking pretty bright for the U.S., despite what Trump critics and the liberal media would have you believe.

So, while Trump is making America great again, critics, political lackeys, and treacherous intelligence agencies are all hard at work stabbing the president in the back by leaking sensitive information to anyone who will listen.

And that’s a huge problem.

Leaking Classified Information From The While House Should Be Considered Treason And Prosecuted As Such

Given that the failing news outlets are all already ganging up on President Trump and attacking him in order to sell papers, “sources” leaking any information to them are adding fuel to fire. Papers take any information – real or fake – and then exaggerate and attack, trying to guide popular opinion against the president and hinder the country’s efforts to move forward.

Leaking Classified Information From The While House

As a result, President Trump has demanded an unprecedented investigation into these leaks, and rightfully so. Some of these leaks are meant to do nothing more than stir the pot. Who cares that our president likes the phones in the White House? Or that he felt the towels on Air Force One were too rough?

Yes, these were actual “leaks.”

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Other ridiculous “leaks” include that Trump called then National Security Advisor Gen. Michael Flynn to ask a question about economics (perhaps he wanted an outside point of view?) and that he was egged on into the Yemen raid by Defense Secretary James Mattis and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Josh Dunford simply by them saying “Obama wouldn’t have done it.”

Then there were serious leaks, including allegations about improper ties between Gen. Flynn and Russia, that “intelligence” (I use that word lightly) agencies don’t trust President Trump with sensitive information (absurd), and that Trump hung up on world leaders because he was tired.

Then newspapers and protesters were up in arms about a leaked memo discussing utilizing the National Guard for immigration roundups which never even reached the president, but were assigned solely to Trump. The leak poured gasoline onto what was seen as an already sensitive issue, but was completely ungrounded and was only used for the purpose of discrediting our president and selling papers.

The fact is, whether it’s sensitive information or not, it most definitely should not be leaked simply out of respect for the damage it can do – especially if it didn’t happen. Who are we to decide what’s important? “Haters”, as the kids today say, are looking to halt Trump’s progress by causing fires the administration then needs to put out. And while much of it can be attributed to holdovers from the Obama administration, many of the leaks are still the result of current White House staff undermining the president and harming the country.

For President Trump to make this country great again, he needs a cohesive administration working together as one. However, that’s not possible with saboteurs looking to discredit Trump at every step. Launching an investigation is a good start, but it’s not enough. These people are harming the country. And anything that harms this country should be treated as treason, and prosecuted accordingly – especially leaking sensitive information.

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