Must Watch
Loretta Lynch Nails Job Interview
Watch the above video and see Loretta Lynch squirm and jump through hoops to answer the very easy and simple questions asked by Jason Chaffetz. You'll remember him from a week ago when he asked FBI director James Comey roughly the same questions, and he answered them just as well (badly) as Lynch.
Loretta Lynch evidently doesn't know what the law is. Despite, as Chaffetz points out, being the government's top lawyer and legal council. Not only does Lynch fail to comment on the guilt of Hillary, but she can't even comment on the legal issue for anyone, despite it being against the law.
Chaffetz points out that this sets a very real and dangerous double standard that leaves thousands of service men and women unclear about where they stand in regards to classification and sharing access.
This will clearly land her a job in Clinton's administration.
To see the head of the FBI and now the Attorney General, two people who should hold the law higher than a not-even-elected official, bow and trip over themselves to subvert the law and bend it to the will of a few would be monarchs is simply disgusting.
Vote these frauds out of office. They do not represent the American people. They are traitors to the law and to all of us who live under it.
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