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Mad Dog Mattis: Trying to Control Trump With Lib Underlings?



We have all seen the delectable quotes from General James Mattis:

“I don’t lose any sleep at night over the potential for failure. I cannot even spell the word.”

“Find the enemy that wants to end this experiment (in American democracy) and kill every one of them until they’re so sick of the killing that they leave us and our freedoms intact.”

“You are part of the world's most feared and trusted force. Engage your brain before you engage your weapon.”

Mad Dog Mattis

Pretty inspirational stuff right…But is Mad Dog able to keep in line with White House philosophy? There are several reports and rumblings that Secretary Mattis and the White House are at odds over appointments.

Let’s examine.

Michèle Flournoy

In January, CNN reported that General Mattis was livid that the Trump transition team was going to nominate Vincent Viola for Secretary of the Army. This was reportedly done without the Mad Dog’s involvement. General Mattis was said to have threatened “quitting” if more nominees were made without his input.

Mad Dog Mattis: Trying to Control Trump With Lib Underlings? michele f

Flournoy had met with Mattis prior and was serving as undersecretary for the Obama administration.

Anne Patterson

On March 2nd it was reported by Politico, that Secretary Mattis wanted Anne Patterson to be nominated to the undersecretary of Defense for policy. The Trump White House once again pushed back. For good reason too!

Anne Patterson served as Obama’s Ambassador to Egypt. If you all remember the disaster that was the Arab Spring and the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood. Patterson supported Morsi and the brotherhood.

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Why would Mattis want a Muslim Brotherhood supporter? What is going on here?

Rudy de Leon

Just a few days ago, Politico reported that Mattis wants Rudy de Leon as undersecretary at the Pentagon. De Leon has worked for Boeing and in the Clinton Administration in the Department of Defense.

De Leon is also a senior fellow at CAP – Center for American Progress. This is a far left ideological group with ties to George Soros.

Mad Dog Needs Reigned In

Why does Mattis continue to demand former liberal administration servants? Former Obama and Clinton administration officials. This is more than concerning at this stage. It makes zero sense to recommend the nominations that he has. I severely doubt his ability to remain on message with the Trump administration. This is an elephant in the room which will become very obvious shortly.

I was under the impression that General Mad Dog Mattis would have been the perfect individual to lead the Department of Defense. Mainly viewed as a non-partisan who had fans on both sides of the aisle. I don’t believe for one second that the military should be politicized. However, nominating leftist after leftist to a Republican administration is not what experts foresaw.

The administration needs members from within the conservative ranks to fill the many positions still open for appointment.

We do not need Obama holdovers. We do need a Secretary of Defense who will advocate for beefing up our military after Obama decimated the ranks.

On this, Mattis has been awfully quiet.

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