Gun Rights
Make No Mistake, Hillary Will Disarm The People
Here is audio proof that Hillary Clinton will do everything in her power to dismantle the second amendment and disarm the American people.
She is heard bragging about how her husband, Bill Clinton, passed the assault rifle ban when he was president and you can hear the contempt in her voice when she mentions how President Bush let it slide.
The Clintons are duplicitous and corrupt. They will say anything while also working their own agenda. She is not to be trusted and I personally fear for our nation if we find her taking the White House after November.
She is without a doubt worse than her husband, whom she has now said multiple times, will be put in a high position in her administration.
If she gets to the highest office, I have no doubt that she will dismantle our freedoms and steal every penny from the people that she can until she finally turns the office over to one of her cronies who will keep the tradition of looting alive.
Listen to the above audio and hear for yourself the contempt that Hillary feels for regular people who just want to keep the rights that the constitution outlined. #NeverHillary