Must Watch

New York Times Defends Their Lies



The “journalist” behind the hit piece that New York Times did on Donald Trump go on CNN and defend their fraudulent article in a video that you have got to watch.

When asked point blank “You did use the word debased… Is that a word that Rowanne used or the women you spoke to used?

The Times Journalist completely ignores the question is an amazing effort to talk about the integrity of her article while slandering Donald Trump at the same time.

The CNN co-host chimes back in, “Guys, she very clearly uses the words, it was misleading, took her words out of context. You didn't fully quote her is what she suggests. She called something flattering right after one of these antidotes… As a journalist, that's concerning.”

Again one of the times reporters stammers through an excuse that makes no sense in the context of the question.

“We quoted her warmly.”

When asked about their response to the reaction from Trump they said, “you know we spoke to Donald Trump for an hour, included his voice in our story and really valued the time we got to spend with him on the phone. We believe that in every opportunity in the story, we gave him a chance to give his side of the story.”

This is journalism at its worst, but sadly, there will be much more of this to come. Shame on the New York Times

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