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[NSFW] George Clooney Is A Massive Hypocrite



George Clooney knows no limits to his massive hypocrisy.

This video by Paul Joseph Watson showcases just how giant a hypocrite George Clooney is on everything from presidential candidates to the refugee problem.

According to Clooney, the refugee problem is the great crises that the world is currently facing. He has traveled the world to talk to world leaders about the importance of taking in and fostering the displaced people. He doesn't care about the sexual attacks in Cologne or the threat of radical Islamists sneaking into western countries.

According to Clooney, we must all do our part. That is except for the mega-rich celebrity who wants us to do as he says and not as he does.

It turns out that George Clooney has FIVE mansions, three of which are in Europe. Yet, you know how many refugees he has let into his giant and empty houses? Zero.

The video also shows Clooney hating on Donald Trump. Despite his backing for presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. A woman that has taken money from every real-life comic-book villain she can find.

Funny enough, George Clooney held an insanely expensive fundraiser dinner for Hillary, while days late talking about how we need to get money out of politics.

George Clooney a massive hypocrite f**K that makes terrible films.


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  • Tammy says:

    Clooney is an ASS. Nothing more then a wanna be know it all. Just another has been from Hoolywierd.

  • Bill jackson says:

    Celebrities with a soap box need to stay out of politics and keep their views to themselves

  • Jackie says:

    He has forgotten who his fans were.

  • cliff says:

    After seeing this, There is really NOTHING more to add…This Gentleman seems to have all the bases covered. And besides WHO listens to “actors” The only “power” they seem to have is shooting off their mouths to all the other fellow “actors” in the room.
    In other words, “preaching to the choir”

  • Name says:

    WHY? your funny… just read what i just read

  • Jerry says:

    He is all talk and no action. Self absorbed.

  • Greg says:

    I think the video covers it all….

  • sharon says:

    Clooney is blinded by the almighty dollar and doesn’t practice what he preaches! He is the worst hypocrite, as Watson says, getting in bed with Hillary who stands for everything he supposedly is against! I will never go to any more of his movies and I urge all conservative people in this country to boycott him!

  • Eva Hada says:

    He is such a hypocrite. He’s talking such BS about the refugees that he wants us to take into our country. Why isn’t he taking them in? He & his wife have plenty of money yet how many has he taken in? NONE! SO he needs to keep his mouth shut. He doesn’t live here anymore so don’t tell us how to try to keep our country free of the ISIS. It’s a proven fact that they are here and more are coming. Put them on his property first! I will NOT see anymore of his movies and I hope more people boycott them. He’s so smug. Use to love him. Not anymore. Can’t hardly look at him he makes me so sick!

  • chari fix says:

    I have been saying since this guy opened his mouth he was nothing more than a hot air bag of shit. He is a Clinton supporter and gives thousands to someone that has lied and brought more harm to Americans then ISIS. Clinton and Clooney should be forced out of this great country. They add no value to it

  • Leon Lurie says:

    His statements show he has no interest in the things he talks about
    Another wealthy stupid DEM. & has no standing. A total fake.

  • oksana koulinich says:

    I support Donald Trump 100%

  • charlie says:

    He seems to be as bad as the Clintons.

  • Lynn Saunders says:

    I liked George Clooney… until I heard this! But, there really should be no surprise with his thoughts, He & Obama are two peas in a po as well! Obama was born to a middle Eastern father while George Clooney married into it! That should have been a red flag right there!!!! ON BOTH counts!! Nothing will EVER be done to keep the race that knows really nothing but how to lie… they have done it since their beginning….waaaay back in the early stages of modern day man.

  • Linda says:

    because he just is he’s afraid of coming out of the closet his marriage doesn’t prove anything shes most likely a trans gender

  • Lisa Martin says:

    You can tell Clooney is vying for an eventual political run. But, just because your name is well known in the entertainment world, does not mean your thoughts and opinions are the same as ours. Every entertainer with a microphone, for some reason believes we want to hear their political views, i.e.,Cher, Whoopie,and the others. This is just not true. Stick to what you do best. Entertain! And leave it at that. How you could support a person like Clinton, makes me ashamed of your opinions. So, please keep them to yourself.

  • Ray says:

    it’s not his fault, he is braindead from having his head up his ass to long.

  • Larry Anderson says:

    G.C. is a liberal, Obama lover that thinks he knows everything!

  • Dennis Massey says:

    I agree with everything the young man had to say. Clooney is a total joke when it comes to understanding the real problems with this country and the world. As with most of his super liberal friends who make their living in a make believe world, not the real world where most of the people struggle day to day just to get by, not have six or eight super homes costing millions paid for on the backs of the people silly enough to pay to see one of his sorry movies!!!!!

  • earl says:

    Earl dam liberal kiss ass thats why he has his head up hillary ass so far it will take a 20. earth quake to get his ass out

  • David McMeans says:

    “Alll the world is a stage” George Clooney personifies that statement. His “postures” are very well done. His semi-serious expressions (verbal and facial) are those of a well trained actor. In short, just another air head Hollywood egoist. Nothing to see or hear here.

  • nicholas f. kushner sr. says:

    George Clooney in my opinion is a spoiled brat that never grew up and because he got luckey in la la land he thinks people respect his thoughts. I will never support anything he does

  • nicholas f. kushner sr. says:

    George Clooney in my opinion is a spoiled brat that never grew up and because he got luckey in la la land he thinks people respect his thoughts. I will never support anything he does

  • Rick says:

    Let’s see the last good movie he made was…….I’m still trying to remember…..ahh never mind. Another mindless dweeb that would hand the keys to the country to all the liberal wasteoid shit for brains.

  • ed chow says:


  • Richard says:


  • Henry Saltsman says:

    I agree for ALL the reasons mentioned in this piece plus many more from years past. The speaker called Clooney a “total prick”, but I take unbridged to that remark, for the simple reason that a prick has a head!

  • Norma Herfurth says:

    Why should I listen to what Clooney has to say–what has he ever done but make and get paid for lousy movies—

  • Name says:

    he cannot even act!!!

  • Frank Franco says:

    I am boycotting all his films and his friends films!

  • constance langenkamp says:

    If he truly believed in what he is preaching to others, he would set the example by sponsoring these people. All he does is lip service to promote himself! Not a fan of Clooney. Disgrace to his famous relativies

  • David Mulkearns says:

    We are not afraid, he is right but that is why we support TRUMP, we are sick and tired of BS. actors and politicians telling us we are not right we have no right to stop Illegal aliens coming into this country. Muslims must be allowed to do what they think is their right. What about our Rights as Americans.

  • Daren D. Theige says:

    LOVE George Clooney. A GREAT American Actor and a Great American!!!!!

  • SouthernPatriot says:

    George Clooney is an embarrassment and disgrace, especially to those of us who have given our health, or have friends and loved ones who have given our lives for our freedoms and protecting them. Clooney often attacks our God-given rights as guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution. In addition, he supports a woman who have never done anything, especially help save the lives of men and women she placed in harm’s way, against the advice of her own veteran state department advisers, and then when they pleaded with her for help she ignored them, as they suffered torture and were murdered.

    Clooney is not willing ignorant of this, so he is stupid.

  • Stan says:

    but he raises money for killery

  • Mark Davenport says:

    Total Hollywood liberal hypocrite. I will never go to any more of his or Jen-LO movies ever again…..NEVER

  • Gerry says:

    Most of the phonies out there are hypocrites but this jerk tops the list.

  • Elizabeth says:

    George Clooney is a weak and pathetic person. Shame on him and his big ego.

  • john says:

    100% agree let the sauides take all the ruffgies

  • Rick Frame says:

    What a shame! i thought he was somewhat entertaining until is saw this.
    He just makes one more actor ( among many ) whose movies and stunts
    I will no longer watch on TV or at the movies. Will save time, money, and

  • Dave Wingrove says:

    Looney Clooney is like all who have a lot of money, I guess he has investments which are bolstered by low paying workers.

  • Patricia lockwood says:

    Because he is a socialist .

  • Larry Campbell says:

    Could not say it better. Fuck C. Looney. All these liberal Trash all think we are stupid and they k ow all. I hope some Muslim scum bag finds this prick and does what Muslims do to white pricks. Tell terrorist he a gay prick also.

  • Rebecca Hayes says:

    Just another know-it-all celebrity, who needs to put his money where his mouth is and thinks that what they have to say really matters. So sick of them all.

  • loren says:


  • Arthur Berg says:

    His acting is not true to the roll he is playing’
    Most actors are believable in the part they are playing, he is not. Not even in real life.
    Highly overpaid! Highly over rated!

  • Kadok says:

    He is freaking clueless, throws a huge dinner for the most corrupt politician in America, of course when you are only in America to sell your movies, I guess you really don’t know what is going on. So in essence Clooney and Clinton are pretty much the same, both not doing anything for the American people, both have huge mansions but neither of them have any refugees in them, both make millions of dollars a year and both talk shit about what should be done but neither do anything but tell others what should be done. Clinton accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars from foreign countries and so has clueless Clooney.

  • linda tynan says:

    When your “paycheck” is from We the People…pissing off people with “your” opinion will cause boycotts and lost of money. I will not watch any show with him in it until an apology for dividing his fans with his own opinion. And I have thousands doing what I am…
    Sorry clooney…hope you are dumped as hard as Target…..

  • Richard Whaley says:

    Typical un informed Hollywood type. He should stick to acting where others write his thoughts for him

  • Carolyn says:

    George is an elitist, so far to the left he has fallen off of the scale. The narrator has said it all.

  • richard says:

    Clooney is “Fashionable”, not intellectual. His career is built on being “Fashionable”, not talented. His movies are un-watchable. He is the Warren Beatty of this millenia, and just as arcane.

  • Joanne says:

    This joker has too much money and NO BRAINS….

  • He gives huge parties to raise massive amounts of money for a politician he likes and condemns others for doing the same thing .

  • Mike Leigh says:

    Every time he speaks he is so condescending and falsely compassionate while he lives high off the hog from the money he’s made from his acting career. He should stay at what he’s good at acting. The problem is that many who attain the wealth he has attained just aren’t satisfied but want to impose themselves in other areas they have neither the morals or character to contribute.

  • Howleyesque says:

    Yep George LOONEY wealthy leftist hypocrite DELUXE!

  • Norman says:

    I’ve enjoyed several of Clooney’s movies but this info. piece is spot on. He has a right to his ill-informed opinions, of course, but I don’t want to hear them. Being a talented actor and a rich movie star doesn’t give him the right to dictate his personal beliefs to anyone.

  • P says:

    He’s an actor. What qualifies him for ANYTHING other than acting?? Money? Sex appeal? WTFU Poeple!

  • Ken says:

    Acting = pretending to be. Paid millions to act
    They suddenly become god like and consider themselves brilliant. Self anointed professors
    speaking to the underclass like we should be thankful just to be in their space for just a short time. A certified jack ass

  • Gilbert Pazo says:

    Total Shit head Clooney The Clown

  • Dick says:

    Most all of the wealthy people all suffer from the same thing, they don’t live in the real world we live in.

  • Mrs. Nidya R. Hernandez says:

    He talks a lot of crap but he does nothing except make money for the murdering, lying criminal bitch Hillary. As far as I am concerned he can shove his movies where the sun doesn’t shine. He has always appeared to be a snob. Wonder where he gets all that money from? Can’t be solely from his lousy movies.

  • cat says:

    Clinton is a LIAR.

  • Stuart says:

    Because every word is fact

  • Ted thomas says:

    I feel like Mr. Clooney has forgotten half of the American public that has supported him through out his career.

  • Al says:

    He has the same punch me face as the rest of the liberals that think the USA should take care of the world before we take care of our selves.We need to back our President Mr.Trump and his policies and ignore the crap coming out of hollywood .These people don’t even know who they are anymore.They honestly believe the rest of the real people care what they say means anything to us.Go live on an island with your muslims.

  • Francois Rook says:

    Big mouth, he is worst then obumer and Hillary put together. You can’t get any lower then that

  • Michael says:

    I have lost all respect for Cloony, he is one of the largest hypocrites I have ever seen. He thinks he is above God, he has a rude awakening coming to him.

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