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Obamacare Needs To Die
- GOP efforts to repeal Obamacare would save the country half a trillion dollars in the next 10 years.
- The bill is expected to pass both the house and the senate this week and arrive on Obama's desk shortly after.
- Obama is expected to veto the bill, but this is the first real attempt since GOP lawmakers swore and oath to remove Obamacare in 2010.
A GOP-led effort to repeal the biggest parts of ObamaCare would cost about $42 billion less than previously expected, saving more than a half-trillion dollars over a decade, the congressional budget scorekeeper said Monday.
Legislation to gut most of ObamaCare's mandates and taxes, known as Restoring Americans’ Healthcare Freedom Reconciliation Act, would reduce the deficit by $516 billion over 10 years, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).
The bill is expected to get a vote in the House this week, followed shortly by a vote in the Senate. President Obama has said he would veto the bill.
The CBO had previously said the bill would reduce deficits by $474 billion, but the estimates have been reduced in light of the recently enacted governing spending bill. That funding bill, which has already been signed by Obama, delays three key healthcare taxes, which each would have brought billions in revenues.
As part of a congressional deal reached on the spending bill, the so-called Cadillac tax on high-cost healthcare plans is delayed for two years and the medical device tax and the health insurance “premium” tax are paused for two years and one year, respectively.
Republicans are looking to pass their latest bill targeting ObamaCare through a budget process known as reconciliation. Under the Senate’s rules, a party that controls both chambers can pass legislation with a simple majority, sending a bill gutting ObamaCare to the president’s desk for the first time.

We have the basis for the greatest healthcare system in the world. It needs to be left alone. (1) Allow the public to shop nation-wide for their policies – from ANY company they wish. (2) Allow groups of citizens to form their own PRIVATE Health Care Cooperatives – where each member pays monthly dues to the cooperative. This money could be invested and grow. When it is needed by one of its members – the bill goes to the cooperative. Audits would take place on a quarterly basis; keeping all on an even, honest playing field. (3) Allow doctors to form cooperatives whereby they share expenses, and charge a minimal charge on an annual basis to each patient – a certain amount for office visits, a bit more for home visits, and yet more for hospital coverage. The patient would be able to budget for such expenses. Finally (4) GET THE Democrat Socialists OUT OF OFFICE – and allow America to return to being the Greatest Nation through individual effort – and the promise of the American Dream fulfilled! No one can beat us if we work together. No one.
It does not simplify anything and it is more expensive. My daughter can not afford the cost of the premiums and because of that will end up paying a penalty.
Another Bureaucratic nightmare. Way to costly. Let Free Enterprise rule and competition will seek out a fair level of cost.
We as a nation wewe lied to in order to pass this POS Bill. Now the weight of it is crushing the people it was suppose to help…Ha, Ha ! The bottom 1% of the population still does not have any helthcare. They are too poor, just like before; with one difference there are a growing number of poor people now…..
Thanks Obama, We need more leadership yours…AKA Hillary !!!
Way to expensive and cant get the healthcare that it takes to help my wife.
Insurers prevent people with medical problems from obtaining insurance. Just let them suffer their medical condition or die. That is not the American way.
It is short sighted and doesn’t address the real problems with the rising costs of healthcare.
He is or leans to his belief in Islam
Too costly – bad coverage
It is too expensive and it cheats you out of services
The US government does NOT belong in the health care business. It is a way to control the people it is governing. Abolish ObamaCare.
ovomitcare is perhaps the most disastrous piece of legislation ever foisted on the American people and the results will ultimately be a healthcare crisis in this nation along with many households going bankrupt trying to pay the premiums and fines associated with this turd !
1. It was hastily put together.
2. Behind closed doors at night.
3. Exponentially more expensive than touted as affordable.
4. Illegal for Fed Govt to impose.
5. Only the misnamed progressives like it.
My monthly cost for supplemental coverage increased by350%
who the hell wants some trumped up insurance that does not cover a damn thing or really helps at all…….when you pay more for the insurance than what it will cover or benefit you when it is actually needed
Because I can’t afford even the affordable quote I got of $270 a month. It’s ridiculous and I can’t afford the fine either. I live in a 1993 single wide trailer and drive a 2003 truck support my wife and 2 year old daughter but I make too much money apparently as always the government wants only help those who don’t help themselves and already live off government money which is taken from us in taxes. Obamacare should be called Medicare or Welfare which is all it is.
Because I can’t afford even the affordable quote I got of $270 a month. It’s ridiculous and I can’t afford the fine either. I live in a 1993 single wide trailer and drive a 2003 truck support my wife and 2 year old daughter but I make too much money apparently as always the government wants only help those who don’t help themselves and already live off government money which is taken from us in taxes. Obamacare should be called Medicare or Welfare which is all it is.
I have previously given you my reasons for my vote ! I am a Dual USA / Canada citizen and have experienced the very high standard of health care in Canada. We go to the CAUSE not like your “BIG PHARMA” which survives only if large numbers og citizens remain sick & dyin from side effects of Drugs.
I have told you why that statement is only the TRUTH !
Obamacare has doubled our medical costs and reduced our Dr care because our Dr does not belong to obamacare.
He is the worst president that we ever had!!! And he lies like HELL!
Obamacare should never have happened and must die!
We need to fix Medicare, Medicaid and the VA Health systems! Why do we need a fourth healthcare system to get screwed up?
My insurance company decided not to offer insurance anymore. On top of that my agent decided to retire. With 3 different agents the best insurance equivalent to what I had in 2016 would cost 36% more in 2016. Curious, I started filling out forms at but stopped d/t the requirement of toooo much personal info while I was merely looking to find plans and costs. Like going to a car dealership and being required to fill out financing forms just to look at what products they carry!!!
Finally did find a site to SHOP and when finding out if I might be subsidized, when I entered 2014 AGI of a Negative Income as an estimate for 2016 income – I got the response “Not Eligible – you need to apply for Medicaid”. So WTF??
He is illegal to even be president…..he is not nor has he ever been a citizen…………and he is destroying MY COUNTRY.
Obamacare needs to die because it has NOTHING to do with Health. It’s all about Death.
This “man” Obama is a POS. he is trying to get his name on something to leave a mark but we need to remove it from everything it is crap
1. It’s unconstitutional
2. Costing far more money than insurance would through the free market
3. It’s unconstitutional
4. More people are now without insurance
5. It’s unconstitutional
6. People lost their doctors and insurance
7. It’s unconstitutional