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[Proof] Obama Covered Up Lies About Iran Deal
This is video proof that the State Department under President Obama has doctored a video on their website to exclude an exchange about the necessity of lying to the media when it comes to foreign negotiations.
A question comes up concerning the Iran nuclear deal and when exactly it began.
James Rosen asks, “Is it the policy of the State Department where the preservation of secrecy of secret negotiations are concerned, to lie to achieve that goal?”
Jen Psaki, the then State Department spokesperson said, “There are times where diplomacy needs privacy in order to progress, this is a good example of that.”
Now. this isn't a full cover up. While the video on their site has been edited with the white light, something that they couldn't find a repeat of, they did leave the original transcript unchanged.
Still it's troubling that they at least took some initiative to hide the fact that they were intentionally misleading the American press and public.
As James Rosen states at the end of the video, they were clearly lying about the time and details of the Iran Deal, but are they ultimately lying about the outcome too?
This deal has clearly been going on longer than we were lead to believe, so why then should we assume that the goals and agreements are what they told us?

This is the administration’s routine – to lie and cover up
Just another example of many examples that Obama is the “Deceiver in Chief”. He goes out of his way to appease Muslim countries at the expense of the American citizen.
obma hs lied bouteverythin vf ery thing from
a to z
It never stops lie after lie and deceit , passing new laws all the time to stop law abiding citizens.
He has totally messed up this Country including his Obama Care. Lord help us
He’s been lying since day one !
wake up America this is not the only time obama and his devil imps in Washington lied to us. this is why the democrats party and liberal party is progressives are all tied into destroying America/
the entire Obama Regime has been one lie after another, and Congress doesn’t have the guts to do anything about it.