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Sen. Kennedy on COVID-19 Bill: Full of Spending Porn



Saying it’s “chock-full of spending porn,” Republican Senator John Kennedy (LA) blasted President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus bill. In a Thursday interview on Fox News, the senator said calling a “coronavirus bill” was like thinking “the stripper really likes you.”

RELATED: Biden Signs $1.9 T Coronavirus Relief Bill

Chock-Full of Spending Porn

After hearing that White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki called the American Rescue Plan the most progressive bill in American history, host Brian Kilmeade asked Kennedy about his reaction. 

“President Biden says it’s a coronavirus bill and my response is, ‘Right, you know, and the stripper really likes you. I said the other day that calling this a coronavirus bill is like calling Harvey Weinstein a feminist. It’s just chock-full of spending porn. There are parts of it I like. I like trying to help people who are unemployed, and I like trying to help our small business people, especially our restaurants,” he said. 

Parts of the Bill Kennedy Doesn't Understand 

Additionally, Kennedy expounded on the areas he found questionable. “But, I don’t understand why we have to give bucket-loads of money to prisoners. Why do they need help? I don’t understand why we have to give money to people who are in our country illegally,” he said. 

Then, the Louisiana senator continued his assault on Biden’s spending porn. “I don’t understand why we have to give money to states whose revenues have gone up, he said. I don’t understand why we have to give $130 billion to schools that refuse to open, he added. Then, he also talked about planned funds for reparations. “I don’t know why we have to pay reparations. This bill has a reparations provision,  and if you add up all the coronavirus spending, and then all the spending porn, there’s no comparison,” he added. 

Kennedy likened the budget to profiteers after a tragedy. “Using a coronavirus bill to effectuate spending porn, is like looting after a natural disaster and that’s why I voted against it. We tried with President Biden. He said, ‘Look, ‘I’ll meet you halfway,’ we said, ‘OK.’ Well, and then he just ignored us,” Kennedy concluded.

More Spending Where That Came From 

During the deliberations last month, Kennedy called the bill an “a left-of-Lenin, neo-socialist wish list. Moreover, the administration’s “infantile” approach to spending money will continue, as Biden will introduce a $3 trillion green energy bill. “The objective is not to spend money – it’s not how much you spend, it’s what you spend it on,” Kennedy said.

What’s more, the government won’t spend a large portion of the bill’s funding until 2022. In fact, the bill holds money for language preservation, transit projects, and billions of dollars for people who have entered the country illegally.

Some Democrats Criticized The Bill As Well

Meanwhile, many conservatives and moderate Democrats criticized some provisions. This includes providing $1,400 stimulus checks to mixed-status families with undocumented immigrants. Also, the Paycheck Protection Program will now accept loan applications for groups such as Planned Parenthood. In addition, the bill contains nearly $600 million for additional emergency paid family leaves for federal employees.

Watch the Fox News video where Senator Bill Kennedy says the COVID-19 bill gives prisoners ‘bucket loads of money

Do you agree with Senator Kennedy’s assertion that the coronavirus relief bill is full of spending porn? What parts of the bill are you in agreement with? Similarly, which parts don’t you like? Let us know what you think about the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill. Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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