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Ted Cruz Strikes Back on Biden Administration’s ‘Made Up Problem’ on Ghost Guns

On Tuesday, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas slammed the Biden administration’s move to crackdown on “ghost guns,” claiming that there is a crisis to distract people from the violence that proves to be a huge problem in many U.S. cities.
Cruz said that the issue with “ghost guns” is made up. However, they still continue to have a congressional hearing that pretends it’s the major issue even though they are not. He then sarcastically said that he will look forward to the next hearing “on Civil War replica cannons.”
The senator made these comments during a hearing of the Senate Judiciary subcommittee, discussing a rule proposed last week by the Department of Justice. The proposed rule would expand the definition of a firearm by including ghost guns.
President Joe Biden’s administration has prioritized cracking down on ghost guns – firearms assembled from gun-making kits. If approved, the DOJ rule would require such gun kits to have a serial number.
Currently, the purchase of homemade gun kits does not require background checks.
As per the Justice Department, law enforcement has confiscated over 23,000 weapons that do not have a serial number from 2016 to 2020. Additionally, 325 of those were linked to homicides as well as attempted homicides.
Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut remarked that there exists a surge in the number of ghost guns. He said that the number of guns seized, used in crimes, and manufactured continue to skyrocket. Blumenthal claimed that at this rate, background checks and other regulations would become meaningless.
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