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Drivers in Texas Trapped in Cars for Over 12 Hours from Icy Road Conditions



Drivers in Texas Trapped in Cars for Over 12 Hours from Icy Road Conditions-ss-Featured

Reports are emerging Friday of drivers in Texas trapped in their cars for more than ten hours in freezing temperatures following accidents caused by icy road conditions along Interstate-10 outside of San Antonio.

Reports are starting to surface on Friday of drivers in Texas being trapped inside their cars for over ten hours in freezing temperatures after accidents caused by slippery icy roads took place along Interstate-10 just outside of San Antonio.

Long delays are ongoing, as per live traffic cameras showing the area, and it started following accidents that took place in Kerrville on late Thursday and early Friday morning, according to Fox29.

“Travel is still dangerous. Interstate 10 has seen some very bad situations and should be avoided,” read the Kerr County Sheriff’s Office statement on Facebook. “An 18-wheeler is jackknifed near mile marker 504 westbound, blocking travel. We are working with TXDOT and other law enforcement partners to manage the scene,” it went on to say.

It also reported that, at their headquarters, the current temperature is at 21 degrees.

“Temperatures will be back into the teens tonight. No additional moisture is expected. Roads are still glazed. Like a doughnut,” the statement added.

The build-up of slush along the roads on Thursday has turned into ice overnight, according to KENS 5’s report.

Brad Sowder, Fox29’s Meteorologist, wrote on Twitter: “I-10 hasn't moved in 12 hours. Bad for truckers, but those in cars have likely had an even more miserable night in single-digit windchill. This backup is miles long near Kerrville, TX.”

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