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The Pope Is Working For The Democrats

- The Pope told reporters on his plane trip from Mexico that Donald Trump is “not Christian.”
- His statement was in regards to Trump's stance on immigration, which the Pope says is un-Christian.
- In an earlier statement about the Pope Trump said “The pope is a very political person. I think he doesn't understand the problems our country has.”
U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is “not Christian” because of his views on immigration, Pope Francis said on his way back to Rome from Mexico.
The pope said, however, he did not want to advise American Catholics on whether or not to vote for Trump.
In a freewheeling conversation with reporters on his flight back from a visit to Mexico, Francis was asked about Trump and some of his statements, such as vowing to build a wall between the United States and Mexico if he becomes president.
“A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian,” Francis said in answer to a specific question about Trump's views. “This is not in the gospel.”
Asked if American Catholics should vote for someone with Trump's views, Francis said:
“I am not going to get involved in that. I say only that this man is not Christian if he has said things like that. We must see if he said things in that way and in this I give the benefit of the doubt,” he said.
On his last day in Mexico, Francis said a Mass on the U.S. border, where he railed against immigration policies that force many underground and into the hands of drug gangs and human smugglers.
Trump has also said he would deport millions of illegal migrants if he wins the November U.S. election. Last week he told Fox Business television that Pope Francis did not understand the Mexican border issues.
“The pope is a very political person. I think he doesn't understand the problems our country has. I don't think he understands the danger of the open border that we have with Mexico,” he said.
Asked about being called a “political person”, Francis said: “Thank God he said I was a politician because Aristotle defined the human person as ‘animal politicus'. So at least I am a human person.”
Trump has taken a more than 20-point lead over U.S. Senator Ted Cruz in the Republican race for the presidential nomination, with his campaign seeming to thrive off the endless controversies that he has generated.

The Bishops, Cardinals & other Church Officials around Pope Francis should attempt to calm him down & strongly urge him to be silent on non-church issues OR encourage that he resign or retire IMMEDATELY before doing any more damage to the Catholic Church
the pope is a relious leader,he has no business telling americans that Trump is not a christian….the only judge for that is God,and this pope is not even close to being god…..knock the wall down around the vatican and invite in some syrian refugees,then i may reconsider.
The pope said Trump was not Christian Well I do not think the pope should look in the mirror at his on self he has sided with Queers , Muslims
, and Obama the pope needs to shut his mouth and GO BACK TO THE WALLED PALACE HE LIVES IN.
False Prophet
donald trump is not a republican he is a med conservative independent and one i am voting for . i do not think you can be a stanch democrat and be a saved person. a republican is a yellow backed conservative liberal (john kennedy type). democrat s platform is straight out of HELL
The Catholic Church is very compromised and corrupted. The Pope’s comments display an incredible hypocrisy, and certainly don’t reflect a biblically based and responsible Christian grasp of the world.
I’m a Protestant with great respect & admiration for the Pope. Having said this, however; opening our borders to everyone in the world that wishes to come here is unrealistic. In the future, the Pope should consider the ramifications of his speech before he says it.
As for Trump, as an Independent I like much of what he says but he seems to be a “loose cannon” and therefore not Presidential.
You hear but you do not hear what The Pope has been SAYING!!! SLDJ
I am amused by the Pope’s comments about Trump not being a Christian and his wanting to build a wall…how un-Christian like…yet the Pope flies to Cuba and embraced Raul Castro with hugs and kisses as if they were two long lost brothers.
Not long ago my pastor made a statement that has stuck with me. He said, “We have far too many Christians, and too few followers of Christ.
I think both Trump and the Pope fit in this catagory.
Donald Trump is truly a great choice for the President of the United States of America. He has proven he can lead, Build a empire by dealing with very powerful people all over the world. He has refused campaign donations of Millions of dollars as he dose not want to be obligated to serve anyone’s agenda but the people of the USA. He has decided to finance his own campaign and said he will work for us for $1.00 to make it legal. This Man raised his Children so they had the integrity & knowledge to run his company in his time of serving you & I because He loves our country and can make it great again. If you love this country PLEASE give Donald J Trump the chance to prove what he knows he can & will do!!
The Democrates are working for the Vatican, Jesuit, Pope, False Prophet, etc.
The Democrates are working for the Vatican, Jesuit, Pope, False Prophet, etc.
The Pope was characterized as an “activist” as a member of the Franciscan order. His immediate pronouncements as Pope regarding so called global warming, poverty and church positions on other matters smack of socialism. His tacit support of the illegal invasion of various nations around the world
by so called refugees is troubling to say the least.
I am not sure he is working for the Democrats, but he sure buys into the global warming thing and seems more than liberal. In addition I think he should stick to religion and stay out of politics as that is his duty, NOT politics!
The Pope is a liberation theology communist from South American – read “The Jesuits”!
If he wasn’t why would he bring up the subject.
As The man is an idiot. I am veteran and would not not want to be Soldier if he is elected. He is an ass
He speaks the same line of political baloney that the Democrats speak.
i love the pope , he is wonderful. yet we take in millions of illegals/ legals alike ,more than any other county. I think the pope should say Italy/roam is ready to match us with taking in war torn people . why does he not offer to take them and challenge all countries to step up . i think the pope would help more this way and it wouldn’t be just the USA .
i love the pope , he is wonderful. yet we take in millions of illegals/ legals alike ,more than any other county. I think the pope should say Italy/roam is ready to match us with taking in war torn people . why does he not offer to take them and challenge all countries to step up . i think the pope would help more this way and it wouldn’t be just the USA .
I do not trust this pope, he is different from any of his peers. I do believe Donald is telling us just how it is. Why is the Pope telling us to accept illegal immigrants and no borders when the Vatican is surrounded by a Very tall Wall?
the pope is ajoke the wall around vac- rome is ok ??? the wall being built on us- mexican wil keep out drug -cartel shipment, criminals out mexican need to fight back for freedom in their own country ! no fasle voting here for democarts voter id is great
IT’s very obvious that this pope is a comunist, he is a jesuit they were the founders of the liberation theology, definitely Trump is not his candidate. Trump goes for freedom and economy not complete control.
GOD said we are not to judge & the pope just did. so please FRANCES KEEP YOUR NOSE OUT OF POLITICS . WHY DO YOU HAVE A WALL?
GOD said we are not to judge & the pope just did. so please FRANCES KEEP YOUR NOSE OUT OF POLITICS . WHY DO YOU HAVE A WALL?
“Therefore, render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s!” Holy Father, with all due respect, please stay out of our politics!!!
He is critizising Donald Trump thereby
The pope should keep his nose out of the USA’s politics……………………………………………………………………..