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Trump Impeachment: The Charade Starts To Crumble

From the very beginning, Nancy Pelosi has resisted calls for the President's impeachment. Then after nearly two years of pressure from the extreme reaches of her party Pelosi finally caved and joined team impeachment. Now after only a few days of ramped up rhetoric the House Speaker is getting weak in the knees.
To Pelosi impeachment was never about what's right for the country. It has always been a question of selling the idea to her constituents. Impeachment is dirty business and is very high risk for both supporters and opponents.
Politicians are running for office as a means to enrich their own lives instead of running for the best interest of the country and their constituents. Pelosi has been in the game long enough to know exactly what levers to pull and when to pull them. However, in this case the new radical movement within the Democratic party got there way and forced her hand.
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Now, its no surprise that Pelosi is slowly backing off impeachment at the first sign of trouble. In an interview that aired Thursday, Pelosi said she does not think the impeachment inquiry on President Donald Trump has gone past no return, and she does not think a vote to impeach him is inevitable in the House.
This is in stark contrast to the language being simultaneously used by some of Pelosi's peers. The Speaker was oversold on what the transcript and complaint were going to contain from the beginning. Even with Adam Schiff's dramatic interoperation of the call and his early involvement orchestrating the whistleblower complaint the Ukraine hoax was DOA.
Now in an attempt to save not only 2020 hopes but also the House Pelosi is back-peddling. If the past at all predicts the future, one thing is sure this won't be the last fake news controversy to be pushed on the American public. Like all other over blown “stories” during the Trump Presidency, this too shall pass.

Pelosi is a snake in the grass.
Pelosi is a snake in the grass.
There was never and grounds for impeachment, the transcript of the conversation between Pres. Trump and President of Ukraine bears out what the President did was well within his providence. The truth about Vice President Biden’s Son and the Vice Pres own transcrip during his tenure will shine the light on his corruption. If the truth is allowed to come out, I’m skeptical!!
There was never and grounds for impeachment, the transcript of the conversation between Pres. Trump and President of Ukraine bears out what the President did was well within his providence. The truth about Vice President Biden’s Son and the Vice Pres own transcrip during his tenure will shine the light on his corruption. If the truth is allowed to come out, I’m skeptical!!
The Democrats are just causing mischief.because they can’t find any wrong doings by the POUS
The Democrats are just causing mischief.because they can’t find any wrong doings by the POUS
The Democrats have been trying everything they can to get rid of Trump, they know they won’t win an election because of how much stronger the US economy is and of course lower unemployment, he also has the strength to cut through the left wing media and journalists, they know they can’t bet a President with growing public support
The Democrats have been trying everything they can to get rid of Trump, they know they won’t win an election because of how much stronger the US economy is and of course lower unemployment, he also has the strength to cut through the left wing media and journalists, they know they can’t bet a President with growing public support
The Democratic Party is out of control. The last 7 years have proven that and that is also the reason they will never get another vote from me.