US News
Trump Calls Nancy Pelosi “Grossly Incompetent” After Failure to Approve New North American Trade Deal

Last year, President Trump’s administration brokered a new and improved free trade deal, the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), to replace the outdated North American Free Trade Agreement.
But for USMCA to go into effect, Congress needs to vote on it – and Nancy Pelosi is delaying that process by focusing on the ongoing impeachment inquiry instead.
“The woman is highly overrated,” Trump said of the Californian Speaker of the United States House of Representatives during a Cabinet Meeting held at the White House. “We can’t get USMCA approved because Nancy Pelosi is grossly incompetent.”
The reason for the delay is undoubtedly the impeachment inquiry hearings, which Pelosi has been focusing on with a dogged determination bred from her hatred of the president.
One of her firm favorites, fellow Californian and now House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Adam Schiff, has been leading the hearings.
Of course, “leading” is a term we use loosely here.
Schiff’s been withholding transcripts from his closed-door dispositions with the only first-hand witnesses, while simultaneously denying he’s spoken with the whistleblower multiple times, and letting his star witness act like a bumbling mess.
“You have a kangaroo court run by little shifty Schiff,” Trump pointed out in reference to the dangerous charade.
Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi is relying on the liberal media to spread false rumors about Trump’s health in an attempt to further distract from the joint incompetence of her actions and Schiff’s farcical hearings.
All she had to say for herself is USMCA voting is “imminent.”
CNN At It Again
Obama’s former physician, Dr. David Scheiner, told CNN he thinks Trump “is someone who has some neurological issues which no one has ever really addressed.”
CNN was only too happy to defend the baseless speculation, of course, which included the possibility Trump was having a heart attack.
“These people are sick,” Trump said in response. “The press in this country is really dangerous… We have a very corrupt media.”
In reality, President Trump is “anticipating a busy 2020,” as per press secretary Stephanie Grisham.
Deciding to take advantage of a more flexible weekend schedule, Trump paid a visit to the Walter Reed Medical Center in Maryland and hit two birds with one stone.
As per his Tweet about the visit:
“Visited the family of a great young man under major surgery at the Walter Reed Medical Center. Those are truly some of the best doctors anywhere in the world. Also began phase one of my yearly physical. Everything very good (great!). Will complete next year.”
Navy Commander Sean Conley, representing the center, corroborated this with a public statement:
“Despite some of the speculation, the President has not had any chest pain, nor was he evaluated or treated for any urgent or acute issues. Specifically, he did not undergo any specialized cardiac or neurological evaluations.”

It has nothing to do with making any sense to her. She is not going to approve anything that has anything to do with our President. She and her cronies want these people and want them to vote and get all the free crap so they will vote for them. She and her cronies are an embarrassment to we the people and this country in the face of the entire world. Her comments in Spain would get here 14 years in jail in Canada.
I truly try not to “hate” anyone and I say that honestly. I sure can dislike her intently and all her cronies!!
The dems are not going to approve anything,in which they do not get anything in return.they are as crooked as you can get.and palosie, I believe is in a state of demise, she cant even speak correctly in a press conference. Much less make critical decisions the effect the nation.she needs to go ahead and step down. Let a competent person do the job.
She is grossly incompetent, she has proven that time and time again. The only thing she has accomplished in 3 years is stopping anything that would move this country forward. It’s time to vote them out, we need term limits badly. C’mon people term limits will give us fresh faces, fresh ideas on both sides of the aisle.
She don’t care about this country she is a communist and a big liar she kills babies then talk about praying for TRUMP BULL SH_T.
I say impeach both of these dematards. How much tax dollars have they spent since Mr Trump was elected president ?? When the president is NOT impeached these, two idiots need to pay back all the wasted tax dollars that could of went into building the wall or anything thats help the American people. The people should have a say in this impeachment crap. since its our money they are stealing.