Election 2016

What Americans Fear Most



Americans Make Their Voices Heard, see more at: https://absoluterights.com/americans-make-voices-heard/
Americans Make Their Voices Heard (Image: MGN)

Earlier this month 803 registered voters were given a survey. The survey asked a simple question, which of the following makes you feel the most threatened? They were given six different choices. Those choices were Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, the Islamic State, the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, and finally Illegal Mexican Immigrants.

Easy enough question right? The answer is obviously Hillary Clinton…that's not what they thought, however.

61 percent of the 803 voters surveyed said that they feel their life is personally threatened by the Islamic State. 54 percent of those surveyed said, Donald Trump. Approximately 43 percent said that they are equally scared of Hillary Clinton and the Republican Party. 39 percent say that they are scared of the Democratic Party and 28 percent said they were scared of Illegal Mexican Immigrants.

Interesting outcome, isn't it?

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Here's my problem with surveys, polls, or information gathered by a lump sum of individuals answering questions. There is no way to know if the results are accurate or rigged. I know that sounds very conspiracy theory-ish, but it's true. They could easily make up whatever results they want.

It could just be the fact that I refuse to believe that the American people trust Hillary more than Donald Trump. Although, for all we know they only asked Democratic voters.

The main problem with these polls and or surveys is that they skew the American peoples view point. If you are a supporter of the New York Yankees and you are listening to their game on the radio, you are in involved in the game right? Well, then during one of the down times of the game your friend comes in and says that no one likes the Yankees and they are going to lose the game. What happens to you? You lose hope, you drop out, you become defeated. So, instead of fighting for your team to the end, and potentially making them win, you give up.

That is what polls and surveys do to politics.

Do not listen to polls and survey. Root for your team. Be a believer and don't let the other side persuade you to believe that the fight is over…when it hasn't even begun.

SEE RELATED: Hillary Is The Ultimate Puppet Master

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