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New Hampshire Was The Establishments Worst Nightmare
The New Hampshire primary results are in and we have the winners of our second event, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.
Both men were ahead in the polls leading up to the state and yet neither party thought they could do the unthinkable and win. Not just win, but crush their opponents.
These two men are so very very different and there is a good chance they will face off in November and America will be forced to choose between two starkly contrasting ideals. However, they have one thing in common and that is that they are both very much outside the establishments and parties for which they seek the nomination of.
America put their money where their mouth was and did as they had warned, by rejecting their parties candidates of choice.
Donald Trump is not a practiced or rehearsed candidate, he doesn’t think about the political fallout of the many outrageous things he says and even four years ago that would have spelled doom for anyone wanting to be president. Now, though, things are different. People on both sides have united (at least in frustration) to say that they are very tired of business as usual in Washington.
It's working too. Momentum is on the people’s side. No more do they want these parties that foam at the mouth against each other only to make deals behind closed doors that sell us all out. Need I remind you of the TPP deal that was just signed? You can thank a few RINOs for that one.
Donald Trump is not a perfect man, but I do think we need his firebrand of politics in the primaries. We need him to remind the people of America that they have a choice and they must be forced to think about it rather than just elect who is put in front of them.
And if you hate Donald Trump, or Bernie Sanders for that matter, then all the better. Use that dislike and push your candidate through to the end. But, know why you are doing it and have conviction in making the choice.
See you in Nevada and South Carolina, where the only sure thing is nothing usual will happen.
This country can’t afford another Democrat. It will be 22 trillion in debt before this Muslim President leaves office.
Before the month is out, Donald J. Trump, will be running out the tables. The inevitability, of a Donald J. Trump Presidency, will be assured. Jeb, Marco, and others, will see the light. Of course, they are not the sharpest knives, in the drawer. Jeb, can become a motivational speaker, for people with insomnia, he can put anyone to sleep. Marco, can help people with speech impediments. They will feel better knowing. “Hey, I am not so bad, listen to Marco!”
Even though I am not 100% sure – nor is anyone – what all Trump stands for I would vote for him rather than Sanders or “Hellary” because everyone knows what they stand for: big government, socialism, assault on Christian values, lessened military strength, influx of radical foreigners, no border policy, etc… along that line that Omuslinma has fostered upon this great nation. I would vote for my miniature donkey before I’d vote for another Democrat and that especially includes Joe Biden “his time.” Go Trump!