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White Students Targeted In Denver Over “Privilege”
- A “white privilege” survey handed out to staff members at a Denver-area school district rankled some employees.
- “It was designed to make people aware that their experiences, whatever they are, wherever they come from, are not exactly the same as other people's.”
- Two weeks ago, parents complained after a high school class in Oregon assigned the survey to its students.
A “white privilege” survey handed out to staff members at a Denver-area school district rankled some employees, but a spokesperson for the district said Wednesday it was useful in finding “opportunity gaps.”
The survey, distributed at Cherry Creek School District, included 26 statements such as, “If a police officer pulls me over, I can be sure I haven't been singled out because of my race,” and “I can choose blemish cover or bandages in ‘flesh' color and have them more or less match the color of my skin.” Staffers would score each statement based on how much they felt it applied to them.
More than one employee voiced concerns about the survey, KMGH reported. A student told the channel, “the title is definitely suspicious.”
“It was designed to make people aware that their experiences, whatever they are, wherever they come from, are not exactly the same as other people's,” district spokesperson Tustin Amole responded. “This work works.”
Just over half of the district's students are white, according to KMGH.
Two weeks ago, parents complained after a high school class in Oregon assigned the survey to its students.
Parent Jason Schmidt said his son “should be learning actual education and not be a part of some social experiment or some teacher’s political agenda.”
Beaverton School District spokeswoman Maureen Wheeler said social issues were a focus in that class. “The survey is just one activity that engages students in exploring this area.”
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a survey like this encourages a racial divide and a poor little me attitude. It doesn’t encourage better grades or a better work ethic. I’m handicapped and I would be offended if someone made me take the survey. I know that I can do a job just as good or sometimes even better than a person who is not handicapped. So what is the point of pointing out the fact that I’m different other than trying to make me feel inferior. Concentrate on building up self esteem and teach respect for others as well as academics.
Life here is a battle between Satan and Jesus, and it’s being played out even in our schools.. The ultimate goal is for Satan to bring about the Beast Govt. of Revelations.. A one world govt, one world electronic currency, and one world religion.. Of course the Roman Catholic Papacy is the religion governing this Beast.. Look for a National Sunday Law to be passed mandating rest and worship on Sunday, for that is the Mark of the Beast.. Satan wants worship on Sunday, but God the Creator says to rest on His Holy Sabbath, Saturday, the 7th day… So therefore the Battle of Armageddon is over, “Who do you Worship?” Then those who keep God’s 4th commandment will be persecuted, cannot buy or sell, and some will also be killed.. Then Jesus returns, for all on the Earth will have been forced to choose a side, and judgement will be over..
Whites have put themselves at a disadvantage by ignoring individual merits and accepting special racial advocacy groups except for their own.
Opportunity for people of color lies in education and assimilation of the traits and abilities that lead to success.
I have no white privledge , that a load of crap, what little have I work for no one gave it to me and I did not get it off the backs of black slaves , that another load of crap , when slavery was going in this country my white ancestors were dirt poor people living in eastern Europe not responsible for what happened to the African black man , what is another load of crap is the u.n. saying thay( AMERICANS) WHITE AMERICA SHOULD pay to decendants money for those injustices , forgetting that it was Europeans along with the arab world that started slaver so let those bastards pay the money I will pay nothing !
Today is the day of opportunity not slavery. There are opportunities for each person that prepares themselves with useful skills whether manually or intellectually And whatever race or creed, if not prepared in their early years mentally and/or physically for what they can or want to be, they will have to be satisfied with whatever they can get but always do it to the best of your abilities. If they fall short or fail, the only person they should blame is their own self for their own lack of self respect and/or ambition.
I am still waiting for my WHITE PRIVILEGE to kick in. I grew up in the 1950’s and 60’s . We lived in a two bedroom house with two adults and four children. When I was 16 I was moved out of my room with a brother and two sisters into a screened in patio with no heat or cooling. I would wake in winter from either dripping water from a leaking roof or covered with frost that turned my bedding white.
My family in this country goes back to the 1600’s as Quakers that did not own any slaves. Our family Doctor was Black and a darn good one.
When race riots broke out in our High School I and many others were targeted by black youths without ever understanding what we did wrong other than being white. So I ask again where was my white privilege?
If we are legal we are the same. AMERICANS